What are knows as ?Four Great Signs? which affected the
life of Siddhartha

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What are knows as ?Four Great Signs? which affected the life of Siddhartha..

Answer / shonit

The four great signs are :

1. An old man suffering due to infirmity and decreptitude.
2. A man lying on road, covered with boils on his entire
body and shivering due to high fever.
3. The relatives/family of a person, mourning his death.
4. A wandering monk who had renounced all worldly things and
was happy.

These four symbols created emotional turbulence within
Buddha and motivated him to give up the worldy life and take
up asceticism.

The morale of this entire incident was that, in life nothing
is permanent and that all living things are temporary. So
rather than living a life which will eventually cease to
exist, one should devote his/her time in finding ways to
attain nirvana (salvation) and ultimately arhat nirvana
(final blowing out) and ensure that one breaks away from the
recurring cycle of birth/death.

The four noble truths were propounded by Buddha on the basis
of these "four great signs" only which says that :

1.There is suffering in this world
2.This suffering has a cause
3.The cause is desire.
4.This desire can be ended and the means to end it is the
"Eight fold path".

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What are knows as ?Four Great Signs? which affected the life of Siddhartha..

Answer / guest

The four sights of old age, disease, death and a mendicant

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What are knows as ?Four Great Signs? which affected the life of Siddhartha..

Answer / pradeep

The four great sign was
1. he saw a man whose name was jeevan . here gautam budh
thought that can jeevan die?

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