Is structure can be inherited?

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Is structure can be inherited?..

Answer / vinay bondade

Everything for what a class is implemented holds good for
structure also in C++. The only difference is the
attributes in a class if access specifiers are not
specified they are Private members but for structure they
are public members.

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Is structure can be inherited?..

Answer / priya

yes it can be in C++:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct person
char name[20];
int age;
float calsalary();
struct emp:public person
int empid;
float salary;
float bonus;


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Is structure can be inherited?..

Answer / sabu

Everything for what a class is implemented holds good for
structure also in C++.

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Is structure can be inherited?..

Answer / chethu

Then what for the class is introduced in C++.. they could
have continued using the structure with OOPS concept only rite?

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Is structure can be inherited?..

Answer / mahan

struct has come into c++ from C. It enables to group together different elements of different types so that we can access them together. Basically it simplifies memory access. All members in a struct have their access as public.

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