What are different types of Servlets?

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What are different types of Servlets?..

Answer / tulasi vani

The different types of servlets are

Generic Servlets
Http Servlets

Is This Answer Correct ?    173 Yes 11 No

What are different types of Servlets?..

Answer / nagireddy

The different types of servlets are there.that is many user
defined servlets and mostly used and important servlets are
two types
1)Generic servlets

Is This Answer Correct ?    107 Yes 13 No

What are different types of Servlets?..

Answer / tanu

types of servel are:
1.generic servlet
2.Http servlet

Is This Answer Correct ?    76 Yes 7 No

What are different types of Servlets?..

Answer / jyoti

Generic Servlet

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What are different types of Servlets?..

Answer / praveen kumar

There are two types of servlets Generic Servlet and HttpServlet.
Generic Servlet defines protocol indipendent servlet,
HttpServlet is a subclass of GenericServlet and it provies
some Http protocol specific functionality.

Is This Answer Correct ?    38 Yes 5 No

What are different types of Servlets?..

Answer / priyanka prataprao pawde.

two types of servlets:

1.Generic Servlets.
2.HTTP Servlets.

Is This Answer Correct ?    34 Yes 6 No

What are different types of Servlets?..

Answer / gaurav khanzode

Types of Servlet:

1.Generic Servlet : It is base class from which all Servlets
are derived.

2.HTTP Servlet : It is Extended by Generic Servlet.

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What are different types of Servlets?..

Answer / ram

Servlets are of two types.

1) protocol independent servlet.
2) protocol dependent servlet.

Generic servlet is protocol independent servlet. It supports for HTTP, FTP and SMTP protocols.

HTTPServlet is protocol dependent servlet. So it support for only HTTp protocols only thats why it is dependent....

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What are different types of Servlets?..

Answer / shanmuk

At present in the market as all the popular webservers are using http protocol, we are using HttpServlet(by deriving some features from the GenerivServlet) .... and if in the future any webserver is developed based on the other protocols we need to define a new servlet. so, .....................

Is This Answer Correct ?    15 Yes 4 No

What are different types of Servlets?..

Answer / ilavarapu brahmaiah

servlets are can
be classified
into two type.
They can be

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 2 No

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