What are the features of JFC?

What are the features of JFC?..

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JFC features

The features of the JFC include components, 2D API,
pluggable look and feel, drag-and-drop, advanced text
handling, and accessibility support. The following details
each of these features.

1) Components

All AWT components have equivalents in JFC, and most of
them are considerably improved. For example, Buttons,
Labels, Menu Items, List Boxes, and Combo Boxes accept
images as well as text. There are also many new high-level
components such as table, tree, progress bar, tool tip,
toolbar, tabbed pane, and slider. Many of these have been
available in third-party products such as Rogue Wave's
JWidgets and KL Group's JClass, but Sun's implementation is
as good as anyone's. As a base set of standard components,
JFC is very impressive.

2) 2D API

The 2D API is eagerly anticipated by developers frustrated
by the meager drawing capabilities of java.awt.Graphics.
The API, co-authored with Adobe Systems Inc., extends the
AWT to provide device- and resolution-independent graphics
and imaging capabilities. It will support such features as
transparency, advanced text layout, Bezier curves, and anti-
aliased rendering. Sun's Java 2D API home page (see
Resources) informs us that:
The Java 2D API is a set of classes for advanced 2D
graphics and imaging, encompassing line art, text, and
images in a single comprehensive model. The API provides
extensive support for image compositing and alpha channel
images, a set of classes to provide accurate color space
definition and conversion, and a rich set of display-
oriented imaging operators.

3) Pluggable look and feel

In the early days of cross-platform software development,
many companies made the mistake of porting an application
without recreating the "look and feel" to match the new
platform. Users scorned these obviously non-natively
developed applications. Companies learned that native look
and feel is a critical characteristic of a successful
application. The AWT, with its peer-based controls,
reflected this view of software development. But the Web is
changing users' perceptions.
Pluggable look and feel is a flexible mechanism that gives
developers a choice: They can create a single look and feel
on all platforms to achieve consistent appearance and
behavior of an application; or, they can program
applications to select a look and feel depending on the
platform, in order to please users who expect native
appearance and behavior. A third alternative for developers
is to let end users choose the look and feel they prefer. A
developer can even implement a custom look and feel across
all components in an application suite or Web site.

4) Drag and drop

The next release of the JavaBeans component model
specification, code-named "Glasgow," includes support for
drag and drop between Java and "legacy" applications. The
Glasgow Draft Specification (see Resources) states:
With native-platform capable drag-and-drop, a user with a
native application sitting next to a Java application will
be able to drag-and-drop between the Java and native
applications, and have a level of fidelity in the user
gesture consistent with that of the host native platform.
A user running a Java application on Unix will be able to
drag and drop to a Motif application and then run the same
Java application on Windows and drag and drop to an OLE
application running there. Drag-and-drop interoperability
will be an important capability for acceptance of Java in
the enterprise (that is, until all applications are written
in Java).

5) Advanced text handling

At the SIGS conference, Ted Faison of Faison Computing Inc.
demonstrated the sophisticated text handling implemented in
the JTextComponent class, which has SGML-like capabilities.
JFC applications can support rich text, including multiple
fonts, sizes, colors, highlighting, and embedded pictures.
Complex layout will be supported, allowing developers to
assign an element to a box to constrain its position and
have other text elements flow around it.
"JFC brings Java into the '90s, in terms of its text-
handling features. Now Java applications can take on the
most complex situations, displaying scaled, sheared or
rotated text. Text is handled much like an image, with
support for such things like paths, shading, variable
transparency and filling," .

6) Accessibility support :

for people with disabilities Software developers are
slowly becoming aware of the importance of "Assistive
Technology" due to federal regulations and market
realities. (Broadly speaking, Assistive Technology is any
technology that enables people to do something they
otherwise couldn't.) "The Java Accessibility API was
designed to allow people with disabilities greater access
to the world of Web technology -- both at home and in the
workplace," said Jon Kannegaard, vice president of software
products at Sun's JavaSoft division. "For example, a
developer can now create a single application to be used by
users with and without disabilities at the same time."

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