What are the methods used for inter-thread communication?
and in what class these methods are defined?

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What are the methods used for inter-thread communication? and in what class these methods are defi..

Answer / ranganathkini

The methods used for inter-thread communication are:

1. wait() - causes thread to wait until another thread calls
the notify() or notifyAll() methods.
2. notify() - wakes up any thread waiting on this object
notifyAll() - wakes up all threads waiting on this object

These methods are a part of the java.lang.Object class.

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What are the methods used for inter-thread communication? and in what class these methods are defi..

Answer / kiran solkar

In Yield an Sleep
which is Not a the method for Inter Thread communication
plzz answerr
or reply me on kiransolkar@gmail.com

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