Explain Object Serialization and it can be used?

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Explain Object Serialization and it can be used?..

Answer / devarathnam c,kotagudibanda(po

Object Serialization: It is process of storing an object
state as permanently in the file(secondary storage).Java is
internet language ,so we need to serialize an object
into "bit-blobs" streams inorder to send an object(s) over
the network.To achieve this task we can use "Serializable"
interface(Marker interface),"ObjectOutputStream"
and "ObjectInputStream" classes also plays key role in the
Serialization process.

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Explain Object Serialization and it can be used?..

Answer / abhijeet chalke

By implementing Seralizable interface we can store state of
an object which is very much important in j2ee application

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Explain Object Serialization and it can be used?..

Answer / senthil

implementing Seralizable interface we can store state of
an object which is very much important in advanced java

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