How 'java' got its name and what it stands for?

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How 'java' got its name and what it stands for?..

Answer / ranganathkini

"Java" is supposed to have got its name from one of the
members of the original developer team Kim Polese. But it is
widely believed that Java (originally called "Oak") was
concieved by the original creators at a local coffee bar.

To credit this incident, the creators used a magic number as
a header to all the Java bytecode class file. The number:

here is a link if u want to know more:

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How 'java' got its name and what it stands for?..

Answer / bhavana

JAVA name was actually given by "james gosling". first they
decided 2 name as "OAK" but it was cross down by trademark

Is This Answer Correct ?    28 Yes 9 No

How 'java' got its name and what it stands for?..

Answer / guru tata

java was first named as OAK , there after one day james gosling was browsing net meanwhile he found a company called OAK technologies. Then he decided to change this application name. one fine day the four people(James Gosling,mike Sheridon, bill joy and patrick naughton) were met at the coffie shop then they are discussing new name for their software, these four people like coffie, the coffie brand name is JAVA, so they finalized application name to JAVA

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How 'java' got its name and what it stands for?..

Answer / ravikiran

java is a place where developers used to import coffee
while developing the language.previously it is named oak

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How 'java' got its name and what it stands for?..

Answer / lipsy

Java has got its name from one of its creator named ..."James Gosling". Originally it means "Oak".It was named so, at a local coffee bar when its developers were discussing about it and also having coffee together.

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How 'java' got its name and what it stands for?..

Answer / amit sharma


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How 'java' got its name and what it stands for?..

Answer / m. shoaib karamat

JAVA stands for: "Write once Run anywhere"
because you write the code once and use it whenever you need.

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How 'java' got its name and what it stands for?..

Answer / kondareddy.noti

hi guys java is the iland name and this iland is famous for
cofee plants and java stands for "just another virtual

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 17 No

How 'java' got its name and what it stands for?..

Answer / senthil kumar

oak is old stands for "just another virtual approach".

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 15 No

How 'java' got its name and what it stands for?..

Answer / naresh

JAVA stands for jamesgosling ,arthur Iknow only two names u
find remaining two answers i dont'kow that

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 27 No

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