Why is the temperature of the body regulated by the skin ?
Why are the girders on the railway bridges fixed at one end only?
which of the following is connected with blood pressure?
Which animals communicate on under water sounds?
A solar collection has been installed to heat water. A large water tank has a volume of 5.0 x 105 cm3. The area of the solar collectors is 8m2. (2 meters by 3 meters). If the water in the tank starts out with a temperature of 30°C in the morning, what is its temperature in the evening after the sun has set?
Explain the Velocity ?
Using which process does the blotting paper absorb ink?
Who did first record the sound?
Explain how many femtometers are in a nanometer?
Why is it possible to see the face through a glass, ehen it is polished from on side ?
Explain the Work, Power and Energy ?
Does sunlight reflected off a mirror increase the temperature of the sun-rays?
Why does a semicondctor act as an insulator at 0'k and why its conductivity increases with increasing temperature?