Why does a tennis ball bounce higher in Simla than it does
in Culcutta?

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Why does a tennis ball bounce higher in Simla than it does in Culcutta?..

Answer / sanju

Simla is situated at high level and is farther away from the
centre of the earth than Calcutta. The force of gravity
pulling the tennis ball downwards is, therefore, less in
Simla than it is in Calcutta.

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Why does a tennis ball bounce higher in Simla than it does in Culcutta?..

Answer / asma

As simla is located on height.As we know that on height the
attraction of earth decreases so on plain surface earth
will attract the ball more than that on mountains. This is
te reason why Ball bounces higher in simla

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Why does a tennis ball bounce higher in Simla than it does in Culcutta?..

Answer / k.muthuramalingam

As Atmospheric pressure is less in Shimla when compared
with calcutta.

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