What is the difference between Trusted and Untrusted
Applet ?

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What is the difference between Trusted and Untrusted Applet ?..

Answer / anu

Applets are divided into two categories: trusted and
untrused. Trusted applets are not subject to any security
restrictions and can therefore open connections to any host
at will; untrusted applets are subject to the security
restrictions described below.
When an applet is loaded a check is first made to see if an
applet by that name (the value of the CODE attribute in the
APPLET tag) exists in the classpath (if none was explicitly
set, then just the internal default classpath is used); if
so, the applet found in the classpath is loaded. Applets
loaded this way are considered trusted. If no applet by the
requested name is found in the classpath then it is loaded
from the location specified by the combination of urls used
to load the page containing the applet and in the CODEBASE
attribute. Applets loaded this way are considered untrusted

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What is the difference between Trusted and Untrusted Applet ?..

Answer / bharat v

Trusted applet provides security and Untrusted applet
dosen't provide any security.

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