What was the role of Zamindars during Moughal period
Where the largest number of Harappan sites discovered in India
Why Quran was vital for Sufi mysticism
Who was the famous Hindu historiographer during the reign of Aurangzeb
To which dynasty did Krishnadevera belonged
With which the Qutbshahi Kingdom of Golconda was world famous
During whose dynasty the famous temples of Jagannatha at Puri and Sun god temple at Konarak were constructed
What are the two important things that Harappan civilization contributed to the mankind
In the Maratha administration, who was Waqa-i-navis ?
What were the reasons for foundation of Bahmani Kingdom
What was the name of Military head in Delhi Sulthanate
What were the important cultural factors responsible for rise of Marathas
Who among the following was the constituent advisor to the Constituent Assembly?