Java does not support multiple inheritance.
how interface helps in the same?

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Java does not support multiple inheritance. how interface helps in the same?..

Answer / narmada nelluri

Java does not suuport multiple inheritence through classes
we can acheive the same with interfaces that means a class
can implement more than one interface at a time.

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Java does not support multiple inheritance. how interface helps in the same?..

Answer / sachin ghare

It might be possible. Inherited both classes contain same method. And java by defualt polymorpic so at the time of compilation it will generate error.that's why. Interface contain astract methods so it Will manage stuff

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Java does not support multiple inheritance. how interface helps in the same?..

Answer / sushila sonare

in java only one super class should be there. If we are
saying multiple inheritance there is more then one super
class and at time of object creation super(){super calling
statement} statement is invoked and control goes to super
class but if we are saying multiple inheritance then there
is more than one super class so JVM getting confused,
control goes to where. So avoiding this confusion only
single inheritance are allowed in JAVA you can use this
concepts in multiple levels.

In interface compiler is not keeping default constructor, so
there is no constructor chain. Thats why we can have
multiple interface at same level.

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Java does not support multiple inheritance. how interface helps in the same?..

Answer / naseer

In java through interface we can acheive multiple inheritence.but not class. class can extend only one class

suppose if class A has one method m1() and class B has method m1() there are two diffrent implementaion whenver we can extends two class here some confusions ..A class has diffeent implementaion and B class has diffrent implementation.

suppose interface A has one method m1() and inteface B has one method m1() whenever interface extend two interfaces common method will be there we can override any method beacuase here implementaion is common for both methods

in classse implementaion is diffreent for both methods

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Java does not support multiple inheritance. how interface helps in the same?..

Answer / sadiq

In Java class cannot extend more than one class,where as a
class can implement more than one interface.

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