D form isse quartly or yearly by gov.?
Answers were Sorted based on User's Feedback
any change in service tax rate 10.3%?
Can fright charges be included to calculate vat amount?
If I want loan upto Rs.500000/- from bank. so how much capital show in my balancesheet. please help me.
Which form we use for depositing CST
What is the difference between Sales Tax and VAT?
How tax deduction at source is deducted
How many form C we can issue or receive in 1 quarter against Inter state purchase or sales
9 Answers Alstom, HBL Power Systems, Piyush Industries,
If any new form open than we are able to deduct TDS on first year
what is meaning of education cess?and y is it levied?
What do you understand by dissolution of firm?
what is sevice tax present rate
23 Answers AP Forest Academy, Capital IQ, Manufacturing, Weather Star,
What is the difference beteen service tax & Excise Duty ?