what is a transducer?? and how it is used in Naval Ships??

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what is a transducer?? and how it is used in Naval Ships??..

Answer / sarvesh kumar giri

Transducer is a device which converts Energy from One form
to the Other..
Transducer is used in Micrphone used in Naval Ships.

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what is a transducer?? and how it is used in Naval Ships??..

Answer / mangesh s. dhore

transducers are the devices which converts one form of energy into other ...e.g. transducer in microphone converts sound energy into electrical.in electronics regard it is device converting nonelectrical energy into electrical energy...

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what is a transducer?? and how it is used in Naval Ships??..

Answer / jampu lakshminarayana

it converts non electricalform of energy into electrical
energey.it is used to caliculate the temprature

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what is a transducer?? and how it is used in Naval Ships??..

Answer / er.pratyush tripathi

it is very true that a transducer is an electronic device which converts energy from one form to another(whether it is non-electrical to electrical or anything else) but it is not only used in microphones but also used in other communication mediums like OFC , also in analog and digital data links widely used in Defence(all the forces).

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what is a transducer?? and how it is used in Naval Ships??..

Answer / satyam tiwari

IT IS A Device that converts one form of energy to another.

A microphone is an acoustic transducer, converting sound waves into electrical signals. Different types of transducers act on heat, radiation, sound, strain, vibrations, pressure, and acceleration; they may output mechanical, electrical, pneumatic, or hydraulic signals. Examples include strain gauges, loudspeakers, photocells, transformers, and thermocouples.

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