Why do we use blue ink?
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Could anyone help me in knowing the address of Nageshwar Rao Institue in SR Nagar. How many months does he take to complete the course in Manual Testing? What would be the fee? Kindlu suggest any other best institutes for MANUAL TESTING with the faculty name.
What is the strong quality on u that can a company hire for this post
How can you do value addition to this company?
if a material tested by titration and finish test by HPLC we can prepare working standard by which method.
0 Answers Aishwarya Healthcare,
I am serving as bank office in mmgs all grade and I have applied for uppcs lower subordinate exam schedule on 6 april 2014 presently I am getting net salary of 34000 around ,what will be the net salary of uppcs lower subordinate and will it be good for me to leave the job of bank and join uppcs lower subordinate if selected.
sir i got a call from cabinet secretariat regarding i got selected in dfo(gd) 2013 on 28/5/2016 to come for filling of some details in my interview attestation form,which i submitted.Now when will my verification be completed and got the appointment letter.Is anybody got the same
0 Answers Cabinet Secretariat,
List and discuss with examples the 4 principles of Scientific Management
hi i want to know about examination of deputy field officer under cabinet secretary. when is it started. how many stage are completed to reached the interview board. actually i am b. com graduate. i send my application to the address of AD(Pers-A), post box no 3003 lodhi road post office new delhi-110003. i don't know about AD(Pers-A). but i write this word on the envelope which was send to the post office. is it correct addressed. have a any chanced to can celled my application. what type of question i have to faced in the written examination. can u give me any sample paper of this examination. thanks
how was BITP exam, is it easy? ,As i din't get any sample question papers I am totally confused
Which city is famous for high buildings?
hi sir, my name is vijay reddy.i have some doubts. 1) how much u r taking fees for groupII. 2) What is cost of groupII material. 3) your current address.right now i am staying at YOUSUFGUDA