Write an algorithm that receives a string and reverses it.

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Write an algorithm that receives a string and reverses it...

Answer / sreejesh1987

step 1:Declare the variables needed.
step 2: Get the String in a String variable
step 2:Use a for loop to reverse the string.
step 3:Display the elements of the string from last element
to first element.

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Write an algorithm that receives a string and reverses it...

Answer / sudip chatterjee

1. Start.
2. Declare Array str1[25], str2[25] as an alphanumeric.
3. Declare i, g, l, as numeric.
4. Assign or accept value to Str1.
5. l=i=0;
6. while(str1[i]!="/0")["/0"last index point that u entered.]
a.increase i, l by 1;
7. Repeat steps i,ii, iii for j from o
i. str2[j]= str1[i-1]
ii. increase j by 1.
iii. decrease i by 1.
8. str2[j]="/0" .
9. Display str2
10. Exit.

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