Why do u use # before include in a C Progam?

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Why do u use # before include in a C Progam?..

Answer / sudarsan gouda

# is nothing but the preprocessor operator.That means it
will execute before the main() execution.
That means we are required to include that header file
those are required to our program before main(),

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Why do u use # before include in a C Progam?..

Answer / rama krishna sidhartha

# symbol denotes preprocessor directive in C or C++. It
means that it says the compiler that it containd some
predefined information. Like it mentions any library
included. eg # include stdio.h

Is This Answer Correct ?    26 Yes 2 No

Why do u use # before include in a C Progam?..

Answer / thanuj

to include address of header file we are writing # before

Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 9 No

Why do u use # before include in a C Progam?..

Answer / srinath

# is symbol of the Preprocessor directive means it tells the
compiler i will execute before compilation time.the
preprocessor directives like
# define MAX 10


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Why do u use # before include in a C Progam?..

Answer / sashfsjfg

# is a preprocessor it is used tell the current header file
to add some wat needed source code to program it invokes
before main function

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Why do u use # before include in a C Progam?..

Answer / sandeep kr. maurya

in programming all operators are used(leaving # and @) then
programers want to a symbol for preprocessor. and # is
nothing in used then programers take this symbol for
preprocessor. and @ is used in Email.

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Why do u use # before include in a C Progam?..

Answer / manav kothari

# is preprocessor directive. It will execute before compilation is done

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Why do u use # before include in a C Progam?..

Answer / akashdixit254

preprocesser function

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Why do u use # before include in a C Progam?..

Answer / yuvaraj

# is nothing but a symbol which denote starting of preprocessor i.e its an syntax like comment line /*

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