how to calculate BEP in this problem?
Sales Rs.3,00,000
Fixed Exp. Rs. 75,000
Direct Material.Rs.1,00,000
Direct Labour Rs.60,000
Direct exp. RSs.40,000

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how to calculate BEP in this problem? Sales Rs.3,00,000 Fixed Exp. Rs. 75,000 Direct Materi..

Answer / deepak n. kolekar

Dear All,

The Solution is

Pariticulars Actuals BEP
Sales (100%) 3,00,000/- 2,25,000/-
Less: Variable Cost(WN1) 2,00,000/- 1,50,000/-
= Contribution 1,00,000/- 75,000/-
Less: Fixed Cost 75,000/- 75,000/-
= Profit / (Loss) 25,000/- NIL

Working Note
1) Variable Cost = Direct Material + Direct Labour + Direct
Variable Cost = 1,00,000+60,000+40,000
= 2,00,000/-

So BEP means when their is no profit no loss.

Is This Answer Correct ?    27 Yes 2 No

how to calculate BEP in this problem? Sales Rs.3,00,000 Fixed Exp. Rs. 75,000 Direct Materi..

Answer / hari sanku

Sales 300,000
Fixed Expenses 75,000
Variable Expenses 200,000(100,000+60,000+40,000)

Contribution =Sales-variable cost
BEP =Fixed cost/contribution*Sales
Answer is Rs.225,000 BEP Sales

Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 1 No

how to calculate BEP in this problem? Sales Rs.3,00,000 Fixed Exp. Rs. 75,000 Direct Materi..

Answer / d.c. bansal

BEP is point of Sales when there will be no profit no loss.
In your case BEP Sales will be Rs.225000.
Accordingly your direct expenses will be Rs. 150000
And profit will be nil (225000-150000-75000)

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 1 No

how to calculate BEP in this problem? Sales Rs.3,00,000 Fixed Exp. Rs. 75,000 Direct Materi..

Answer / dharmesh sati

BEP mean Break Even Point.

& In your Problem BEP when company's Expense & Income are
equal mean no profit & no loss so your case Cost is Rs.
275000 of your Break Even Point is 275000 & you have made
profit of Rs. 25000

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 5 No

how to calculate BEP in this problem? Sales Rs.3,00,000 Fixed Exp. Rs. 75,000 Direct Materi..

Answer / amol deshmukh

difranc in Rs.25000

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 7 No

how to calculate BEP in this problem? Sales Rs.3,00,000 Fixed Exp. Rs. 75,000 Direct Materi..

Answer / sumit sharma

SO 300000-(100000+75000+60000+40000)
= 300000-275000
= 25000

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 8 No

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