Please describe what is the PCB, and give some sample

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Please describe what is the PCB, and give some sample fields?..

Answer / delanir

The PCB (Process Control Block) represents one process
running under an operating system.
Some data fields for the PCB are:
*PID (Process Identification);
*State (Ready, Running, Blocked, etc..);
*PC (Program Counter);
*CPU Registers;
*CPU Schedulling Information;
*Memory Management Information;
*Accounting Information;
*I/O status information;
*List of open Files.

Is This Answer Correct ?    18 Yes 1 No

Please describe what is the PCB, and give some sample fields?..

Answer / kammari.krishnaiah

PCB(Process cControl Block)
each process is reapracented in the operating system by a
process control block.It is also called as the task control
it contain many peace of information assosiated with a
specide process including these :
1.Process state
2.Process number
3.program counter
5.Memory limits
6.list of open files e.t.c

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 1 No

Please describe what is the PCB, and give some sample fields?..

Answer / hemant chand dungriyal

PCB=>Each process is represented in the operating system by a
process PCB(Process Control Block also called task
control blocked).
1. Pointer(In which shown physical address of process)
2. State(In which shown state of process)
3. Program Number(In which shown process id or number)
4. Program counter(In which shown who's the next instruction
will execute)
5. Register(In which shown who's register are working and
there address)
6. Memory limit(In which shown memory limitation for program)
7. List of file(In which shown which type of system file
using by the program)
8. Which part unknown because no company have describe.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 2 No

Please describe what is the PCB, and give some sample fields?..

Answer / samir11

it is process control contains all the information
about a contains the the information about i.e it's
fields are cpu register,process identification number,pc,cpu
scheduling information,cpu management information ,

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

Please describe what is the PCB, and give some sample fields?..

Answer / laxmi narayana.moru

process control block is also known as task control block..
which contains the complete information of the process...
1.process state
2.programme counter register
3.cpu information
4.i/o information
5.accouting information
6.process priority
7.cpu registers

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

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