Convert following infix expression to the prefix expression.
a - b + c * (d / e - (f + g))

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Convert following infix expression to the prefix expression. a - b + c * (d / e - (f + g))..

Answer / naresh

first u need to reverse the given string like this..
after doing this, we need to consider a stack n insert symbolls into the stack whenever u encountered it in the string..
sequence of flow is:
the string obtained is gf+ed/-c*b+a-..
u need to reverse the string for answer i.e
ans is -a+b*c-/de+fg..

Is This Answer Correct ?    28 Yes 23 No

Convert following infix expression to the prefix expression. a - b + c * (d / e - (f + g))..

Answer / ashish

Algorithm for Infix to Prefix Conversion is
1. Reverse the given expression ...
2. Apply algorithm of infix to post-fix conversion...
3. Again reverse the expression after the post-fix conversion...

Infix Expression is => a - b + c * (d / e - (f + g))

step 1: => ( g + f ) - e / d ) * c + b- a

step 2: => apply post-fix ...

( ( g f + ) - e d / ) * c + b - a
( g f + e d / - ) * c + b - a
g f + e d / - c * + b - a
g f + e d / - c * b + - a
g f + e d / - c * b + a -

step 3: => final step reverse the expression ...

Prefix Expression = - a + b * c - / d e + f g

source ::

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Convert following infix expression to the prefix expression. a - b + c * (d / e - (f + g))..

Answer / saravanakumar


Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 10 No

Convert following infix expression to the prefix expression. a - b + c * (d / e - (f + g))..

Answer / bhupendra pattnayak


Is This Answer Correct ?    54 Yes 54 No

Convert following infix expression to the prefix expression. a - b + c * (d / e - (f + g))..

Answer / mona


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Convert following infix expression to the prefix expression. a - b + c * (d / e - (f + g))..

Answer / waqar

+ - a b * c - / d e + f g

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Convert following infix expression to the prefix expression. a - b + c * (d / e - (f + g))..

Answer / sheeraz


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Convert following infix expression to the prefix expression. a - b + c * (d / e - (f + g))..

Answer / rodel

given-> a - b + c * (d / e - (f + g))
note: remember, before we do the infix expression to postfix expression.
We analyze the given data by using the hierarchy of operation (PEMDAS)
In that way, we can do the operation, tracing the hierarchy nos...
a - b + c * (d / e - (f + g))
5 6 4 2 3 1
pass1: a - b + c * (d / e - (f g +)) infix -> postfix
pass2: a - b + c * (d e / - f g +) infix -> postfix
pass3: a - b + c * (d e / - f g +) infix -> postfix
pass4: a - b + c * (d e / f g + - ) infix -> postfix
pass5: a b - + c d e / f g + - * infix -> postfix

pass6: a b - c + d e / f g + - * infix -> postfix -> Final Answer

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Convert following infix expression to the prefix expression. a - b + c * (d / e - (f + g))..

Answer / ramen pradhan


Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

Convert following infix expression to the prefix expression. a - b + c * (d / e - (f + g))..

Answer / harsh parikh


Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 5 No

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