what is GST? please guide us? what is the rate liable for
GST? and when GST is applied?

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what is GST? please guide us? what is the rate liable for GST? and when GST is applied?..

Answer / sandeep

GST is GOODS AND SERVISE TAX , which is replaced by all
indirect taxes leveid by the center and the states , and it
is proposed to launched on April,1,2010

Implication of this GST is as smililar as VAT , at present
we are not getting credit on CST sale and some other taxes
also imple menting this GST we can get tax credit on those
tax that we have been paid earlier

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what is GST? please guide us? what is the rate liable for GST? and when GST is applied?..

Answer / tushar

GST stands for Goods & Service Tax. It is indirect tax. It
combines central law & state law altogether.It is under
consideration. It will be applicable when it will be passed
by Parliament. The target date is 1 April 2011. It will be
value added tax & dual tax structure one is for centre &
the other is for state.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

what is GST? please guide us? what is the rate liable for GST? and when GST is applied?..

Answer / vivek

01.04/2010.RATE 15%.

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