Audit Interview Questions
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i want question papers audit staff selection examination


What is the vat rate levied on cement mould bricks


4 11469

WHAT IS IFRS? IS there any corelation between AS 30 and IFRS?

2 5608

I 've Tally7.2 in my pc & i have Data from 2005 but my Auditor wants only data from 2008 -2009 How do i send that years data i means from 2008 -2009

4 6301

Dividend Received From A Company Is a Indirect Income or It Should be treated as capital revenue?

5 33116

Define Internal audit responsibility

2 4325

why auditors are not true and faire statement of account



what is the accounting entry for fictitious asset

4 14830

Had I imported two items one is custom duty free and another is with custom duty. Whether I can sell the custom duty free item with the custom duty or not.

1 3412

whether in the case of BIFR scheme the non payment of dividend FOR MORE than 7 years shall go in the Dividend Equalisation fund/ Investors Protection fund

1 3337

Does we need to make Registration Of Company(ROC) at every state? If we does nt make registration at every state,what will happen? Does we need to pay more tax without ROC at every state?

2 5795

There are 9 coins.Out of which one is odd one i.e weight is less or more.

1 3078

Would you consider alternative vacancies if so which:


How soon can you make yourself available for employment with us

1 3804

What is the reason(s) for leaving your present employment

2 4404

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Un-Answered Questions { Audit }

Why does a systems auditor need to use professional judgement when selecting audit procedures?


what is the steel consumption per sq ft for ground plus 12 floors


What are the different types of audits?


What are intangible assets?


i need to pay around $90000 to Mr.R and the agreement clause says that any amount payable as tax are not included in the amount.So how much i need to deduct TDS...??


Explain the basic principles of an internal audit controlsystem?


What are the objectives of internal audit?


How can scope of internal audit help you?


Explain tangible assets?


What is the mean of statutory audit?


what percent of wages calculate from sales of a firm (registered under manufacturing of machinery spares) sales (appr)- RS.10000000/-


Whats are the importance of evaluating an internal audit department?


while calculating drawing power for the purpose of cc limit ,while deducting creditors from stock whether to consider debit balance of creditors ,in total of creditors' credit balance ?


Why there is no opening balance for Profit and Loss Account?Refer me Detailed explanation. Thank you.


Discuss the factors to be considered by the auditor in order to determine an audit strategy.