Marketing Sales Interview Questions
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i want to know about Nifty

2 4883

why u have opted for mba after doing graduation in botany (hons)

Galpha, ICICI, State Bank of Hyderabad SBH, TradeIndia, UTI,

4 8191

how can you convince me that you can do a sales job even though you don't have any sales experience.

IIPM, ITC Infotech,


what should be my 5 yrs goal and 10 yrs goal as marketing student?


5 9578

i m sabina . i am rejected in us visa in 29th july and counciler mam say me your colege is exp and choose cheap col and come back. so what i do. i have 2 i20 fairmont and troy . troy is so cheap than fairmont but we arrive in troy aug11 its not posible what i do ?


there is any possible to same councilor to ask me or another?


they can ask me why u rejected next time or not?


how to convise to ladies in us visa section.she is so crul?



Dear ones, Currently am doing job in a retail industry as a floor manager.But doing this job cuts you from your social life n' that's y i am somewhat depressed. Also i want to go in marketing related jobs (advertisements,marketing Promotions, etc)in any well known company but no to insurence field as well. what can i do then? Please suggest me, i am so much confused ! Pallav Verma Raipur (C.G.),India


How to sell a pen to illiterate ? Tell me about yourself in single word (not regular words like Hardworking, Smart working etc..)

Amity, GM General Motors, TCS,

9 26463

what is marketing mayophia?


1 5059

What do you feel you need to develop in terms of skill & knowledge in order to be ready for that opportunity?

CNN, Sun Pharma,


what is the role of a marketing manager in steel sector.

1 7521

define marketing

13 19822

what is market?

6 8192

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Un-Answered Questions { Marketing Sales }

what is the latest model warehouse


What do you understand by the term marketing?


How would you deal with the older members of the organization who are adamant but have to report to you?


How a new regional manager will manage and develop his new assigned territory?


How will you appraise your team's work?


Think of one of your most successful sales you've ever achieved. With that sale in mind, tell me about it and what you did to successfully achieve the sale?


What are the good and bad services that should be kept in mind while serving a customer?


7. Give me an example of a time when you have tried to accomplish something, and failed


What kind of person are you?


What are the advantages and disadvantages of using radio as a medium of marketing communications?


what are the different topics cvered in marketing paper


What according to you are the qualities that an hr executive/manager must have?


What are the different types of Securities Market?


describe how usa can make a difference in your life


What criteria are you using to evaluate the organizations for which you hope to work.