How to stain bacteria endospores using fluorescent stain ?
What are the conditions when gram positive bacteria can appear gram negative?
How are staining techniques classified?
Which iodine compounds are used in antiseptics?
How to Isolate Rhodococcus sp?
After primary herpetic gingivostomatitis,where will be the herpes virus may remain dormant ?
Which are the ways to demonstrate these granules?
In determining a morph unknown, what tests can I do to narrow between Corynebacterium pseudodiph and xerosis?
What is meant by biotransformation and swertiamarin?
What are the Minimal Media Recipes for Fed-Batch Cultures of EColi ?
How would you feel about working with pathogens and carcinogens?
What is the procedure for Laboratory diagnosis of enteric fever?
Explain about CFU counting of BCG strain ?
What are the strange results of yeast two hybrid ?
What other methods are available for staining mycobacteria?