General Chemistry Interview Questions
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Why do eye-glasses become fogged, when the wearer comes form the cold outdoors into a warm room ?

2 3148

Why has every parachute a hole in the centre ?

1 3204

Why is a halo formed round the moon, when the sky is clear ?

1 3121

Why does a pencil look cracked, when partly immersed in water ?

1 3070

Why are wires used to carry electricity ?

1 3052

Why are some wires covered with insulating materials ?

1 3102

Why does a ball bounce ?

1 3494

Why does the filament of an electric lamp glow, when current passes through it ?


2 6063

Why and how is short-circuit caused ?

1 3033

Why do we hear thunder after seeing a flash of lightning ?

3 12991

Why can?t snowballs be made in very cold weather ?

3 13071

Why is it more efficient for a labourer to raise bricks up to a brick layer by the use of a rope and pully than by carrying them up a ladder ?

1 3289

Why does a piece of iron float on mercury, but sink in water ?

1 6947

A balloon constructed in Calcutta during July-August was found to show cracks at most wooden joints when received at Ferozepore in December. What is the probable cause ?

1 2584

Why is air removed from the electric lamps ?

1 3215

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Acid value definition is number milligrams of koh required to nuetralise the acid present in one gram oil & fats but why not use naoh for nuetralisation?


What is dextro-rotatory and levo-rotatory?


Cholesterol is a compound suspected of causing hardening of the arteries. The formula of cholesterol is C27H46O. a. A sample of cholesterol is isolated from the arterial lining of a 60-year-old American male. What is the formula of this compound? b. Cholesterol is extracted from a chicken’s egg. What is the formula of this compound?


can we Consider the Purity threshold and Purity angle in place of peak purity for the specificity test for method verification


Mention a few important criteria for satisfactory colorimetric analysis.


what are the role of chemistry education in sustainable development


What is the difference between volumetric solutions and test solutions


What can you contribute to the company?


How is measurement of ph made?


explain sour gas?


What are hard waters?


Define what is oxidation and reduction reaction?


Define what is avogadro’s law?


Why is ammonium hydroxide added to the brass solution?


Mention the different types of conductivities.