QTP Interview Questions
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In our application (Web based application)we will get a pdf file and we have check a particular text in that pdf. Can any one tell how to check text in a pdf file. In the same pdf file it generating some links and I have to click that links. QTP unable recognizing that links, even id did record and playback qtp does not generating any script. Can any one help me….?

6 9902

I have a Webedit object. some text is entered in that object I want to know the font sixe of that text.How could I do this using QTP? This is a requirement for me. I am happy if any one help on this


3 7284

what is Defect density, defect leakage, defect age,latentbed,yasid testing, interface


4 17545

Interviwer asked, How many years exper.. on QTP? I said, total 2 yrs exp in manual and QTP. QTP only current project arround 3 months. then interviewer ask , HOW BOLD YOU QTP? What you say?

1 7112

Can u explain about QTP framework


10 14686

what is recovery scenario in QTP? what is the need of the recovery scenario in QTP? what are the advantages of the recovery scenarios in QTP?


3 29870

What is output value in QTP? Why do we use the output value in QTP?How many types of output values are there in QTP? what are their respective usage in QTP?


14 46965

Can u Reduce the size of Object repository? What are the problems u have faced in Qtp tool?


2 8575

plz anybody tell me how to explain the architecture of one particular project.plz give me answer for this.....RAJESH

TCS, Wipro,

7 13209

action contains public and private functions but do we resuable that action or not..If it is reusable How..plz tell me the ans



I am a beginner plz tell me,how do we write scripts in QTP? In my opinion we can write scipts in expert view or there is another option where we can write scripts. plz tell me.

5 6378

if there r 10 windows open in QTP write a command to close all 10 windows at a time ?


10 28677

if i have 10 actions and out of 10 actions last 3 actions i renamed will my script exicute sucesfuly r not? changed actions where i can see?

IBM, Infosys,

1 6622

How we can do Batch testing in QTP?


6 14284

how we can do web browser using parametarisation in QTP ?

Efextra, Kanbay,

2 5948

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Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

Hi this is chandra if any one have Navigation of LAB QTP, I want Navigation of those tools, if any one have the and know the Navigation each and every part of the QTP, plz send me my mail naruboinac@yahoo. com,naruboinas@ gmail.com


Where we can use the analog mode and where we can use the low – level mode?


When QTP object wait time is 10 seconds, and in test script wait time is 5 seconds and in function library wait time is 2 seconds how much time does the wait occur? or which is given priority.


What is the descriptive programming?


hi Friends ,willany body tell me what is the Scope for the automation Testing inht Future is their Or not And what is the Top Most Level in the testing section according the Pay scale


How to start recording using quicktest professional (qtp)?


How to replay a script in qtp?


What is expert view in qtp?


in qtp if we record a object and we record the object using virtual wizard then by which way the object is recognized that means recorded


after click on compose mail how can we attached a file in qtp with vbscript code


Hi, I am using OutputCheckPoint for 2 webelements Bed:4 and Bath:2 Full,1 partial in my result page and I am storing the value in the data table. I dont need the string Bed:4,I would like to get only the no 4. How can I get it? Even though I highlight only 4,It is seleting the full value "bed 4". Same thing happend for second webelement Bath:2 Full,1 partial I need only the No 2. I used the following to split MyArray = Split(UIBathResult, " ", -1, 1) But it is giving the value My Array(0)=Bath:2full,1Partial I need the only the nos for further comparision.Any help? Thanks Uma


UFT 12.02 which ALM version will support


Can any one brief some detail on how the shared and action object repository utilized/implemented in a real time project. I already know how to make shared object repositor by saving OR as .tsr extension..I wanted the actual concept of implementation...couple of live examples will be highly appreciated. Thanks


Explain about the test fusion report of quicktest professional (qtp)?


In qtp, explain what is qrs file?