QTP Interview Questions
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What is object & properties (in QTP)

Ordain Solutions,

5 17210

When a requirement is given to u to automate , What is ur basic approach ?

4 6054

Did u use check points during ur work experience ?


3 6814

If u r using library files (Instead of Check Points) , How do u do bitmap check ?


How do u fetch data from a database ?

2 4945

What is the XML file architecture ?


Tel me what was the automation testing process you followed?

2 5265

Can you import and export data from XLS and how?

4 6392

Have you performed Debugging and how did you?

2 5276

Did you face the problem, changing the properties of an object in Run Time?

1 3183

Give a comment on Regular Expressions using QTP?

4 8185

When it be decided to go for either Per - Action or Shared?

2 4222

What is meant by Pseudo Code?


5 12656

Diff. between keyword driven Data driven testing?


8 42668

how we will use output values in qtp? is there any possibulity by descriptive programming?

2 6939

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Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

can anyone tell me what to say in interview when interviewer asks about "tell me about your framework in your project"?


1.Qtp suppots Unix& linx or not 2why qtp suppots shell script.


tell me abt a time when u had to go above &beyind the call of duty to get the job done


What is the script for database check point, bitmapchek point, regular expression ?


What is recovery scenario in qtp?


How the exception handling can be done using quicktest professional (qtp)?


Can we call qtp test from another test using scripting. Suppose there are 4 tests and I want to call these tests in a main script. Is this possible in qtp?


What are the benefits of qtp?


I want to configure the OR and library files to a particular QTP test during run time. Note: OR and Library files are located in Quality Center. Is it possible in QTP? Anybody having code?


Hai anyone please "Explain about Framework in QTP?"


i have a doubt can anyone tell me where are scripts stored while using QTP.Tell me the exact procedure takes place in real time?like how we call scripts how to proceed after writing scripts?how scripts are executed etc?i heard some use Qc whether others dont use.so tell me whole procedure for both the things it will be a very big help.as i have interview i want to have whole idea on this.its very urgent.


what is meant by Implicit and explicit requirements?


What are the types of properties that quick test learns while recording?


What if recovery scenarios is also failed for identify the alert ? (We are handling unexpected popup through recovery scenarios but if still recovery scenarios also failed than what should be the approach)


How do you handle multiple banners(at the top the page, the banner is scrolling) in a web page(Dont take the name property(regular expression))