QTP Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Which Databases supports for QTP?

2 6272

What are the enhancements u did after recording ur script?

1 4467

difference Between Call Run action and copy of action?

1 3943

Explain about reusable actions?

2 4286

Tell me the situations where we will use Data Driven?

Ordain Solutions,

4 6189

It is very difficult to test in manual for that we go to DATA DRIVEN TEST.

3 5277

What is output value?

3 5432

What is BPT?

Allied Group,

2 16713

How to access values from Unix OS and how to write..

1 4058

Did you use flatfiles in your projects?At what situation you used it?How can you upload flatfiles?

1 4220

what is a active x control?can any one brief me about active x controls

1 3820

Hi Guys, In one of my interviews, I was asked to Write a paragaraph explaining how much scripting I did in QTP? I don't know where to start and what to write. So I need your help in writing that.

1 4140

how qtp handles customised object

1 3811

how to identify an object which is not in the object repository identification can be done using descriptive programming.

2 4641

what is a file system object in QTP

7 30698

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Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

In Remote acess server how u run a test?


Is it possible to switch between recording modes during a test creation?


What is CMMP and CMMH?


Hi Friends... By using QTP , can we test .net products...and that product supports different languages.. thanx in advance..


Explain QTP using different development techniques ?


What is the syntax to call one script from another? And what can be the syntax to call one “action” in another?


Hi, i run scripts in one machine those r passed.when i run the scripts in client side those r failed.Give me such a scenario when ever u faced?


How do know the number of browsers opened?


whow much strong on VB and C?


If I change the object name in one action will it be updated in all the actions? Or not?


What is 'sleep' in sync point?


how to evalute defects in QTP script?


I am a new tester that needs to create an automatic script involving security questions. On a webpage I need to select a security question(which are random) from a drop down menu, and then input the answer as the last word from the security question. I have the script set-up to automatically select the first security question from the drop down. The problem I am having is trying to insert the security answer. How do I insert the security answer based on the selection from the security question?


tell me abt a time when u had to go above &beyind the call of duty to get the job done


what is the diffrence bw qtp architectute and qtp framework?