QTP Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

How to get the column count and column name from the resultset in the database connection program?

6 10759

How to Test the mainframe application?(tell me few basic things)

3 7061

What is throw object?

1 5599

How will you handle the situation when object is not captured during record?

2 6561

What kind of errors can b handled in QTP in real time scenario?

1 5795

What is smart identification?

Ordain Solutions,

2 5059

Step 3&4 are repeated until an the object in recognised uniquely.


in how many ways you perform batchtesting?


2 8088

What is API

1 3895

What is the differnce between action & script

1 4397

Synchronozation types in QTP

11 26024

What is User defined function in QTP

Bank Of America,

6 28016

How u call functions in QTP Function to calculate the length of characters in a word -

5 10861

How you automate testscripts one by one or moduelwise or all at once

2 4327

After running scripts how you report results ,there is any specific report form

1 3809

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Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

What contains Data Driven Framework document in qtp?


How will you test a stapler?


How to write business scripts using object repository with different scenarios


In qtp, explain what is qrs file?


For which type of projects the iterative model is not suitable?


What is file database?


hi guys we r working in office...we write some scripts..suddenly we have a work(5min only) in out side..what will do now,,,used to system shut down or log off or lock or sleep mode,switch use or hibernate?


I need to obtain the parent of an object programatically, so if I have: winButton("aButton") I need to obtain the parent part: window("Window1").Dialog("Dialog1") so I can programatically create a string of the full name of the object to call it with an execute statement in QTP I would like to use something like: part[1] = "window(""Window1"")" part[2] = "dialog(""Dialog1"")" so I can do: exeLine = part[1]&"."&part[2]&"."&"winButton(""aButton"")" Execute exeLine Apart from keeping a record of the window/dialog hierarchy is there a parent or path function/ command Thanks Adrian


What is qtp window?


Hi ,Can any one pleas explain how to test splash objects using QTP?


What is the file extension of the code file and object repository file in QTP?


Hi, I got error message as "object does not support this property or method: "Test.Actions" when i execute the following line of script on QTP 9.0 Dim qtApp, qtRep Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") Set qtRep = qtApp.Test.Actions("Action1").ObjectRepositories Can anyone tell me where i am wrong.


Is virtual object supported in low level recording mode?


What is the extension of the qtp local repository? If it is .mtr then what is .bdb extension stands for?


In a flight window we have to enter the name and meal request for every passenger.In that window if we give Total passengers=1 then the Psngr1 name field and psngr1 meal request field will reflects.if we give Total passengers=2 then Psngr1 name field and psngr1 meal request field,Psngr2 name field and psngr2 meal request field will reflects and so on.if total psngrs=100 then will we capture all the fields for the psngrs to Automate the app how we can handle this scenerio thru Descriptive programming?