QTP Interview Questions
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what QTP Options do you know?


How to Set the Global Sync Timeouts in QTP?

2 9333

What is the difference between Global and Local Data Sheets?

1 8397

How to create Reusable and Multiple Actions?


Describe how Smart Identification is used


How can we translate the steps between the Keyword and Expert Views?

1 3600

How software automation specialist enter steps in the Expert View?


How software tester can use constants and variables in scripts?


How can you write the scripts that operate on different objects depending on run-time information?


How QA specialist can identify when programmatic descriptions are useful?


What VBScript operators, functions, and statements do you use in QuickTest Professional?


How to retrieve data from application objects?

1 6158

How to build scripts that access data from external sources?


Which method do you use to retrieve data from the WebList object?

1 9381

What is difference between the For..Next and While..Wend statements?

2 16963

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In Test Directory, What are the contents in test case designing? if you prepare in excel sheet how u use thrw Test Directory?


i am trying to automate yatra.com,in that site, when i go to automate the Leaving from field showing as a WEBEDIT, but when i enter 1 or 2 char, it displaying dropdownlist, i try to use keyboard automation to select the item from that list but it is not possible, can anybody help he. Thans for posting the Answer


Hi I'm a beginner in QTP. So far I'm ok with Descriptive but stuck while implementing Hybrid Frame work. 1. I have created a Keyword file with .vbs ext set home=description.create home("title").value="Welcome to feests" set reglink=description.create reglink("name").value="register yourrestaurant / take away" set fbusname=description.create fbusname("name").value="business_name" set dispname=description.create dispname("name").value="display_name" set restchkbox=description.create restchkbox("name").value="restaurant" set cuiscate=description.create cuiscate("name").value="cuisine_categery1" set addline1=description.create addline1("name").value="address_line1" set pstcode=description.create pstcode("name").value="address_postcode" set cntry=description.create cntry("name").value="address_country" set mlandno=description.create mlandno("name").value="landline_no" set emailadd=description.create emailadd("name").value="email" 2. I have created an Function Library file as follows Function launch() bro="C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" url="http://www.feests.com/" invokeapplication bro&" "&url Browser(home).page(home).Link(reglink).click End Function Function restregistration(karthik, teja, Ameerpet, UK) Browser(home).page(home).WebEdit(fbusname).set "karthik" Browser(home).page(home).WebEdit(dispname).set "teja" Browser(home).page(home).WebCheckBox(restchkbox).set "ON" Browser(home).page(home).WebList(cuiscate).Select "Indian" Browser(home).page(home).WebEdit(addline1).set "Ameerpet" Browser(home).page(home).WebEdit(pstcode).set "UK" Browser(home).page(home).WebList(cntry).select "United Kingdom" Browser(home).page(home).WebEdit(mlandno).set "023775347" Browser(home).page(home).WebEdit(emailadd).set "email@gmail.com" End Function 3. This is how I have called the keywords and Functions in QTP executefile"C:\Documents and Settings\karthik\Desktop\keywords.vbs" executefile"C:\Documents and Settings\karthik\Desktop\functions.vbs" launch restregistration karthik, teja, Ameerpet, UK, "email@gmail.com" Now the issue is, I'm trying to enter the email ID in WebEdit field. But I dont know what is the mistake I did, if I run the script in QTP it is showing following error Error: Expected identifier Line (2): "executefile"C:\Documents and Settings\karthik\Desktop\functions.vbs"". Can someone help me fix this, please!!?


what is the difference btn risks & Therads in the Test plan documentation?


What is difference between Recording time object identification and Run time (Execution) time.


Hi, I have 2 dropdown listboxes called region and city/area. It needs to select one region(Santa Clara) and one city/Area (Sunnyvale).So I put this in the for loop and I am storing the Items in the variable called itemname. The regions value will get changed,so I used reg expression for this regions. This is my code Browser("MLSListings.com").Page("MLSListings.com").Link("ยป County/Area").Click Browser("MLSListings.com").Page("MLSListings.com").WebList ("regions").Check CheckPoint("regions") ListSize=Browser("MLSListings.com").Page ("MLSListings.com").WebList("regions").GetTOProperty("items count") For i = 1 To ListSize-1 Itemname =Browser("MLSListings.com").Page ("MLSListings.com").WebList("regions").GetItem(i+1) Browser("MLSListings.com").Page("MLSListings.com").WebList ("regions").Select Itemname ................. If I run the script,I am getting the following error, Cannot identify the specified item of the regions object. Confirm that the specified item is included in the object's item collection. Any Help? Thank you, Uma


explain structured testing? plz guys with exp. do answer


how can i call function (which has link with excell sheet at a remote location) within another function


What are the different types of action?


i have asked earlier only one question how to test web application using QTp plz send me the answer quickly


What are the types of object repository?


Does QTP have any limitations?Can it work with all kinds of programming languages like java,springs,ajax ,hybernet?Also does it work well with windows 7.What are its other limitations


Does quicktest professional is unicode compatible?


How the exception handling can be done using quicktest professional (qtp)?


How can you write the scripts that operate on different objects depending on run-time information?