QTP Interview Questions
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how do u handle an object without name using QTP 9.2?



How will u test content of an web application with out using chechpoints in QTP 9.2?


3 7092

How can i initiate the objects to find uniquely in OR

IBM, Livetek,


Can anyone tell me what is the equivalant method to be used in QTP for "web_obj_get_text" used in winrunner. My winrunner code is below. set_window("Confirm Add Subscriber"); rc = web_obj_get_text("Add subscriber:","#8","#1",orderID,"The order number is","\.",1); basically I need to retrieved the "orderID " from a string present in 8th row & 1st col of table "Add subscriber"

1 2885

Hi Friends, I worked with 8.2 not with 9.2. Please help me in this prob. I created one script and recorded some think and save as Test 1 then I opened process--open the object repository manager. Switch to file->save->give some name->save as Objectrepo1.tsr file. (This is the global repository file.) Then I went to object repository->tools-> associate repository ->click + icon ->open the previously saved Objectrepo1.tsr file. This is the global repository Now I created one more script and save as Test 2. In this script I am calling script with the Help of "Call of existing action" and I executed but QTP is not able to execute B’cos it is QTP is not able to read the Object Repository of Test 1. Please let me know why? Once I made Script 1 as a shared Obj. Repository so it would not give any Problem. Right?

Cap Gemini,


Give me the Example of standard check point and text check point with syntax?

IMI Soft, IMI Soft Engineering,

3 11566

Which property do you use to retrieve or assign data into a cell in a Data Table object?

1 7134

Why do you create a text checkpoint on a Web application? What is the purpose of the Close method?


What are the methods of the TextStream object that are used for reading from a text file?


How to create basic scripts from a manual test case in QTP?

1 13752

How to add verification steps to tests?

1 9253

How to use custom checkpoints in QuickTest Professional?


1 11135

How to customize checkpoints with parameters?


How to run an integrated test scenario using Multiple Actions? How to use the QTP Step Generator?


How to use debug tools?


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Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

What is the recovery scenario in qtp?


Can any one say what exact diff between test->parameters, action properties-> parameters. after defining the parameters in test->settings, how can we access those parameters.(i know how to use action prop parameters)


Explain data driven framework?


Explain the check points in quicktest professional (qtp)?


I need Major Help with a Script I recorded in QTP 9.5. I am recording scripts for a Web-based application(s) I have all the URLs for each application in Excel spreadhsheet so that QTP can pull that particular application from the spreadsheet and run it. The problem is QTP isn't recognizing one particular URL so when I hit run in QTP to run this script it opens the internet Explorer but isn't open the URL I have in the Excel spreadsheet. I've retyped the URL and still QTP won't open this Particular one for some reason. The site its self is working fine but for whatever reason QTP won't open it. How do I resolve this? I have a deadline of next Friday the 7th to complete this task so please help me in any way you can. Thanks in advance


Step 3&4 are repeated until an the object in recognised uniquely.


Functions call by reference and call by value. i want the diff b/n these 2 and how will be the script for this?in which situation we use these 2..?pls explain me clearly


What are some test assets and related extensions of qtp?


Hi All, I have QTP installed on my machine but the application under test (AUT) is on remote desktop.My scenarios is like that,it should contain following steps. 1)Automatically it should click on start and then on remote desktop connection. 2)it should enter the IP address and then connect to remote desktop. 3)and then it should be able to record the application in remote machine and then run it also. Can somebody tell me how to record the application which is in remote machine.


What is throw object?


How to test the login page in different ways in automation testing and i need code?


what is error and fault in terms of software quality?


How does quicktest professional identifies the object in the application?


Hi I know two types of testing processes. 1. Reaquirments stage,test design,code review's, Design review's, Test Plan, Test Cases design, test execution, Defect Reporting and tracking, UAT, Signoff. 2.Test Initiation , Test Plan, Test Design, Execution,Bug tracking, UAT, Sign off.


What are the general steps involved in the data driven framework?