Programming Code Interview Questions
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How do you write a program which produces its own source code as its output?

7 16520

how to check whether a linked list is circular.


11 59651

Write out a function that prints out all the permutations of a string. For example, abc would give you abc, acb, bac, bca, cab, cba. You can assume that all the characters will be unique.

IITR, Microsoft, Nike,

5 21041

Write a prog to accept a given string in any order and flash error if any of the character is different. For example : If abc is the input then abc, bca, cba, cab bac are acceptable, but aac or bcd are unacceptable.

Amazon, Microsoft,

5 13434

How to add checkbox to datagrid?

5 14737

Program to find the largest sum of contiguous integers in the array. O(n)

11 36375

HOw to Build a Nested GridView Control with ASP.NET?

2 13858

how can we close a web page in without using jscript?

4 26359

what is the best algorithm to sort out unique words from a list of more than 10 million words(1 crore+)? we need the best technique in the terms of execution time.


9 17261

How to Create a Treeview Menu in ASP.NET with C#?

1 12567

How to use ASP.NET 2.0's TreeView to Display Hierarchical Data?

1 6307

Automatically Hyperlink URLs and E-Mail Addresses in ASP.NET Pages with C#

1 4791

Event Handling in C# Triggering a Button

1 6068

Give the code for Handling Mouse Events?


Code for Reading and writing from a file in c#?

1 3900

Un-Answered Questions { Programming Code }

Could u please tell me any UNIX scripts that 'll lead to find the network latency of the servers.?or else any unix command to find the network latency of a server?Thnx in advance...


Ask the user to input three positive integers M, N and q. Make the 2 dimensional array of integers with size MxN, where all the elements of I (I = 1,…,M) line will be members of geometrical progression with first element equal to the number of line (I) and denominator q.


plzzzzzzzzz xplain this code import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; //import java.awt.MenuItem.*; public class MenuForm extends Frame implements ActionListener { MenuBar mb=new MenuBar(); Menu m1=new Menu("Master"); Menu m2 =new Menu("Transactions"); Menu m3=new Menu("Queries"); Menu m4=new Menu("Reports"); Menu m5=new Menu("Daily/Weekly"); Menu m6=new Menu("Housekeeping"); Menu m7=new Menu("About"); Menu m8=new Menu("Utilities/Tools"); Menu m9=new Menu("exit"); MenuItem m11=new MenuItem("consumer master"); MenuItem m12=new MenuItem(""); MenuItem m13=new MenuItem(""); MenuItem m21=new MenuItem("New Connection"); MenuItem m22=new MenuItem("Refill Booking"); MenuItem m23=new MenuItem("Shop Delivery"); MenuItem m51=new MenuItem("Mrk Dlry"); MenuItem m91=new MenuItem("Quit"); /*MenuItem m131=new MenuItem(" "); MenuItem m132=new MenuItem(" "); MenuItem m134=new MenuItem(" ");*/ Font f=new Font("TimesRoman",Font.BOLD,16); Frame f1; public static void main(String args[]) { new MenuForm().setVisible(true); } public MenuForm() { super("Gas Agency Main Menu"); setSize(1280,800); setBackground(Color.lightGray); setLayout(null); setMenuBar(mb); /*m1.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD,16)); m2.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD,16)); m3.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD,16));*/ mb.add(m1); mb.add(m2); mb.add(m3); mb.add(m4); mb.add(m5); mb.add(m6); mb.add(m7); mb.add(m8); mb.add(m9); m1.add(m11); m1.add(m12); m1.add(m13); m2.add(m21); m2.add(m22); m2.add(m23); m5.add(m51); m9.add(m91); //m3.add(m31); /*m13.setEnabled(false); m13.add(m131); m13.add(m132); m13.add(m133); m13.add(m134); m13.add(m135);*/ setVisible(true); /*m11.addActionListener(this); m12.addActionListener(this); m13.addActionListener(this); m2.addActionListener(this); m3.addActionListener(this);*/ m21.addActionListener(this); m22.addActionListener(this); m23.addActionListener(this); /*m31.addActionListener(this); m131.addActionListener(this); m132.addActionListener(this); m133.addActionListener(this); m134.addActionListener(this); m135.addActionListener(this);*/ m51.addActionListener(this); m91.addActionListener(this); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { /*if(e.getSource()==m11) { } if(e.getSource()==m12) { } if( (e.getSource()==m131) || (e.getSource() ==m132) || (e.getSource()==m133) || (e.getSource()==m134) || (e.getSource()==m135) ) { }*/ if(e.getSource()==m21) { NewConnection nc=new NewConnection (); nc.setVisible(true); this.dispose(); } if(e.getSource()==m22) { RefillBooking rb=new RefillBooking (); rb.setVisible(true); this.dispose(); } if(e.getSource()==m23) { ShopDelivery sd=new ShopDelivery(); sd.setVisible(true); this.dispose(); } if(e.getSource()==m51) { MarkDelivery mrk=new MarkDelivery(); mrk.setVisible (true); this.dispose(); } if(e.getSource()==m91) { this.dispose(); System.exit(0); } } }


Common UI for Multiple web applications. Suppose there are 35 websites using same third party controls.These 3rd party controls are made together that all 35 websites can use these controls.If we put all 3rd party controls and use its dll in 35 websites,only class files will be accessable. But I want to use CSS,images also in all 35 websites. how I can design the N-tier solution for this project.


1.Explain what happens to a session object when the browser associated with it is closed? 2.Explain how a session object is created and used. (Note: you are not required to provide the Java statements such as ‘getAttribute’)


how to test the orientation of the layout in note any changes in the ui design when change orientation


plz send code for feature rich resume builder in j2ee frontend:J2EE Backend: DB2 Express


can any body give me answer to this question please? please give me code in cl with the folling specifications. 1.Accept 2 parameters-date and date type 2.If date type is J then convert date to *MDY format 3.If date type is M convert date to *JUL format 4. Send a program message with the value of converted date? Please give me the answer.Because im practicing in my house.Im taking trining on AS/400.


Implement a command console for changing settings on a particular object. The command console should allow you to enter a string and will return the response (very similar to a terminal session). The commands are as follows: SET propertyname=newvalue will change the target object’s member named “propertyname” to have a value equal to “newvalue”. If the input value is incompatible (i.e. an int being set to a string), print out an appropriate error message. GET propertyname will print out the current value of the target object’s member named “propertyname”. GET * will print out a list of all target object members and their current values. The system should be extensible for future commands and should accept an arbitrary object, such that another developer could insert another object into the system and rely on the command console to get and set the properties correctly.


What is Generic" J2ME architecture?


write a program for area of circumference of shapes


how exactly is the lngColour used?


Write code to add functions, which would work as get and put properties of a class?


How to Check if Folder Exists?


write a java program to create a Frame with three scrolls, change the back ground color of the frame using functions with values of scrolls.