Code Snippets Interview Questions
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Write a code snippets to find greatest and least of any number of inputs without taking the help of array

Infosys, Wipro,

1 4781

How to write a reusable function for testing an "Button" Objects in a page without passing the page name to a function? (Think if page names are dynamic and doesn't have any pattern matching between each page). Send me code which works in QTP 9.2.....


2 4914

1) int i=5; j=i++ + i++ + i++; printf("%d",j);This code gives the answer 15.But if we replace the value of the j then anser is different?why? 2)int i=5; printf("%d",i++ + i++ + i++); this givs 18.

IBPS, Infosys, TCS,

8 60501

Wrie a function which returns the most frequent number in a list of integers. Handle the case of more than one number which meets this criterion. public static int[] GetFrequency(int[] list)


3 14901

Counting in Lojban, an artificial language developed over the last fourty years, is easier than in most languages The numbers from zero to nine are: 0 no 1 pa 2 re 3 ci 4 vo 5 mk 6 xa 7 ze 8 bi 9 so Larger numbers are created by gluing the digit togather. For Examle 123 is pareci Write a program that reads in a lojban string(representing a no less than or equal to 1,000,000) and output it in numbers.

4 8981

Where now stands that small knot of villages known as the Endians, a mighty forest once stood. Indeed, legand has it that you could have stoodon the edge of the wood and seen it stretch out for miles, were it not for the trees getting in the way. In one section of the forest, the trees stood in a row and were of hight from 1 to n, each hight occurring once and once only. A tree was only visible if there were no higher trees before it in the row. For example, if the heights were 324165, the only visible trees would have been those of height 3,4 & 6. Write a Program that takes an array of integers representing the heights of the trees in the row as input and prints the list of the visible trees.

ABC, Nagarro,

2 8142

How do I write a program to print proper subset of given string . Eg :input: abc output:{},{a},{b},{c},{a,b},{a,c},{b,c}, {a,b,c}.I desperately need this program please mail me to

Deshaw, Infosys,

11 35686

The sum of three numbers is 20. The second number is 4 times the first number , and the sum of the first and third is8. Find the numbers.

7 10213

How to get the version(major,minor,revision ) of VB6.0 delphi code .I am able to fetch dll file of vb6.0 but not vba file .Can u send me the code snippet in delphi to get the value for vb6.0.


i wrote from two tables (employee and department) * from employee,department; (it is cartesian product) but * from employee department; (?????????????????) by default it displays the employee table,what is the reason it is not taking department ??? mail @ Arunkumar

1 3902

How to reverse a String without using C functions ?

Matrix, TCS, Wipro,

33 102232

How we will connect multiple client ? (without using fork,thread)


3 7017

could you please tell me for what javac, javax,swing,awt.*; are using. what is the meaning and differences. and also there are 4 access modifiers in java. public, private, protected, default. what is the meaning of these 4 access modifiers and difference. public is the access modifier void means return data type disp() means function name what mean by static


1 4605

If basic HR function like recruitment, training are outsoureced then, why do companies have their own HR department?


3 6755

how to print a message to console without using main() function?(do not use even static blocks also.)

Google, Zoho,

14 26054

Un-Answered Questions { Code Snippets }

how to take time as input in the format (12:02:13) from user so that controls remains between these columns?


Write a function to efficiently convert a floating point number to a rational number. For example, given 0.125 return "1/8"


Write a python program to count the number of vowels in a string?


plzzzzzzzzz xplain this code import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.MenuItem.*; import java.sql.*; import sun.jdbc.odbc.*; import*; public class ShopDelivery extends Frame implements ActionListener { Label l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7,l8,l9,l10,l11,l12,l13; Button exit,save,next,top,prev,botm,ad,show; TextField txtCMemoNo,txtConsNo,txtCMemoDt,txtConsName,txtAddr1,txtPhNo ,txtBookDtold,txtPrintDt,txtOldCMemNo,txtOldDlryDt,adr2,adr3 ,tot,stnry,rmrk; String ConsName; String Addr1; public static void main(String sr[]) { new ShopDelivery().setVisible(true); } public ShopDelivery() { super("Shop Delivery"); Statement stmt; ResultSet rs; //PreparedStatement pst; Connection con; try { Class.forName ("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Agency"); if (con!=null); System.out.println ("connected"); stmt =con.createStatement (); } catch(Exception e1) { System.out.println (e1); } setSize(1280,800); setBackground(Color.CYAN); setLayout(null); l1=new Label("Cashmemo No"); l1.setBounds(260,60,90,30); l1.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l1.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l1); l2=new Label("CONSMR NO"); l2.setBounds(30,60,90,30); l2.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l2.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l2); l3=new Label("Book DATE"); l3.setBounds(520,60,90,30); l3.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l3.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l3); l4=new Label("NAME"); l4.setBounds(30,150,45,30); l4.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l4.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l4); l5=new Label("ADRS"); l5.setBounds(30,220,45,30); l5.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l5.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l5); l6=new Label("PH NO"); l6.setBounds(500,150,45,30); l6.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l6.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l6); l7=new Label("OldBkDt"); l7.setBounds(30,390,55,30); l7.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l7.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l7); l8=new Label("Print Date"); l8.setBounds(320,390,65,30); l8.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l8.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l8); l9=new Label("CMemo No"); l9.setBounds(700,390,65,30); l9.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l9.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l9); l10=new Label("Del Date"); l10.setBounds(550,390,55,30); l10.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l10.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l10); l13=new Label("REMARKS"); l13.setBounds (30,630,85,30); l13.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l13.setAlignment (Label.CENTER); add(l13); txtCMemoNo=new TextField(); txtCMemoNo.setBounds(375,60,80,30); txtCMemoNo.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtCMemoNo); txtConsNo=new TextField(); txtConsNo.setBounds(130,60,80,30); txtConsNo.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtConsNo); txtCMemoDt=new TextField(); txtCMemoDt.setBounds(635,60,80,30); txtCMemoDt.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtCMemoDt); txtConsName=new TextField(); txtConsName.setBounds(100,150,200,30); txtConsName.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtConsName); txtAddr1=new TextField(); txtAddr1.setBounds(100,220,350,30); txtAddr1.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtAddr1); adr2=new TextField(); adr2.setBounds(100,250,350,30); adr2.setBackground(Color.white); add(adr2); adr3=new TextField(); adr3.setBounds(100,280,350,30); adr3.setBackground(Color.white); add(adr3); txtPhNo=new TextField(); txtPhNo.setBounds(570,150,150,30); txtPhNo.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtPhNo); txtBookDtold=new TextField(); txtBookDtold.setBounds(30,440,60,30); txtBookDtold.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtBookDtold); txtPrintDt=new TextField(); txtPrintDt.setBounds(320,440,60,30); txtPrintDt.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtPrintDt); txtOldCMemNo=new TextField(); txtOldCMemNo.setBounds(700,440,60,30); txtOldCMemNo.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtOldCMemNo); txtOldDlryDt=new TextField(); txtOldDlryDt.setBounds(550,440,60,30); txtOldDlryDt.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtOldDlryDt); rmrk=new TextField(); rmrk.setBounds(140,630,600,30); rmrk.setBackground(Color.white); add(rmrk); exit=new Button("EXIT"); exit.setBackground(; exit.setBounds(760,700,40,40); exit.addActionListener(this); add(exit); save=new Button("SAVE"); save.setBackground(; save.setBounds(715,700,40,40); save.addActionListener(this); add(save); next=new Button("NEXT"); next.setBackground(; next.setBounds(90,700,40,40); next.addActionListener(this); add(next); top=new Button("TOP"); top.setBackground(; top.setBounds(0,700,40,40); top.addActionListener(this); add(top); prev=new Button("PREV"); prev.setBackground(; prev.setBounds(45,700,40,40); prev.addActionListener(this); add(prev); botm=new Button("BOTM"); botm.setBackground (; botm.setBounds (135,700,40,40); botm.addActionListener (this); add(botm); ad=new Button("ADD"); ad.setBackground (; ad.setBounds (300,700,40,40); ad.addActionListener (this); add(ad); show=new Button("SHOW"); show.setBackground (; show.setBounds (345,700,40,40); show.addActionListener (this); add(show); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if(e.getSource()==exit) { this.dispose(); System.exit(0); } /*if(e.getSource()==save) { try { Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Agency"); PreparedStatement pst=con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO NewCon values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); pst.setInt (1,Integer.parseInt(txtConsNo.getText())); pst.setInt (2,Integer.parseInt(txtCMemoNo.getText())); pst.setString (3,txtCMemoDt.getText()); pst.setString (4,txtConsName.getText()); pst.setInt(5,Integer.parseInt (txtPhNo.getText())); pst.setString(6,txtAddr1.getText()); pst.setString(7,adr2.getText()); pst.setString(8,adr3.getText()); pst.setInt(9,Integer.parseInt (txtBookDtold.getText())); pst.setInt(10,Integer.parseInt (txtPrintDt.getText())); pst.setInt(11,Integer.parseInt (txtOldDlryDt.getText())); pst.setInt(12,Integer.parseInt (txtCMemoNo.getText())); pst.setInt(13,Integer.parseInt (tot.getText())); pst.setInt(14,Integer.parseInt (stnry.getText())); pst.setString(15,rmrk.getText()); pst.executeUpdate (); con.close(); } catch(Exception e2) {System.out.println(e2);} //cs(txtConsName.getText (),txtAddr1.getText()); }*/ if(e.getSource()==ad) { try { txtCMemoNo.setText(""); txtCMemoDt.setText(""); txtConsName.setText(""); txtAddr1.setText(""); txtPhNo.setText(""); txtBookDtold.setText(""); txtPrintDt.setText(""); //txtCMemoNo.setText(""); txtOldDlryDt.setText(""); adr2.setText(""); adr3.setText(""); tot.setText(""); //stnry.setText(""); //rmrk.setText(""); Connection con1=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Agency"); Statement stmt1=con1.createStatement(); ResultSet rs1=stmt1.executeQuery("SELECT Max(Cons_No) FROM NewCon"); int nextcono = rs1.getInt ("Cons_No"); System.out.println (nextcono); nextcono=nextcono+1; txtConsNo.setText ("nextcono"); con1.close(); } catch(Exception e4){} } } }


could you please teach me how to program an income tax using functions


What are the disadvantages of XML?


Give the code for Handling Mouse Events?


Bubble Sort. java thereafter the user will be asked to inpout the size of the list,sort the list in ascending order and display the sorted list in a horizontal manner???


Write a code snippet to display an integer in a binary format?


Coding for Synchronizing Cache Access in ASP.NET?


write a program that reverses the input number of n.Formulate an equation to come up with the answer.


Write a C/C++ program that connects to a MySQL server and displays the global TIMEZONE.


Write a Program to find the sum of digits of a given number until the sum becomes a single digit. (e.g. 12345=>1+2+3+4+5=15=>1+5=6)


I am configuring my anaconda file in linux, i want to use as kickstart file, in post installation how can i edit file or change the content of file and save it.


plzzzzzzzzz xplain this code import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; //import java.awt.MenuItem.*; public class MenuForm extends Frame implements ActionListener { MenuBar mb=new MenuBar(); Menu m1=new Menu("Master"); Menu m2 =new Menu("Transactions"); Menu m3=new Menu("Queries"); Menu m4=new Menu("Reports"); Menu m5=new Menu("Daily/Weekly"); Menu m6=new Menu("Housekeeping"); Menu m7=new Menu("About"); Menu m8=new Menu("Utilities/Tools"); Menu m9=new Menu("exit"); MenuItem m11=new MenuItem("consumer master"); MenuItem m12=new MenuItem(""); MenuItem m13=new MenuItem(""); MenuItem m21=new MenuItem("New Connection"); MenuItem m22=new MenuItem("Refill Booking"); MenuItem m23=new MenuItem("Shop Delivery"); MenuItem m51=new MenuItem("Mrk Dlry"); MenuItem m91=new MenuItem("Quit"); /*MenuItem m131=new MenuItem(" "); MenuItem m132=new MenuItem(" "); MenuItem m134=new MenuItem(" ");*/ Font f=new Font("TimesRoman",Font.BOLD,16); Frame f1; public static void main(String args[]) { new MenuForm().setVisible(true); } public MenuForm() { super("Gas Agency Main Menu"); setSize(1280,800); setBackground(Color.lightGray); setLayout(null); setMenuBar(mb); /*m1.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD,16)); m2.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD,16)); m3.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD,16));*/ mb.add(m1); mb.add(m2); mb.add(m3); mb.add(m4); mb.add(m5); mb.add(m6); mb.add(m7); mb.add(m8); mb.add(m9); m1.add(m11); m1.add(m12); m1.add(m13); m2.add(m21); m2.add(m22); m2.add(m23); m5.add(m51); m9.add(m91); //m3.add(m31); /*m13.setEnabled(false); m13.add(m131); m13.add(m132); m13.add(m133); m13.add(m134); m13.add(m135);*/ setVisible(true); /*m11.addActionListener(this); m12.addActionListener(this); m13.addActionListener(this); m2.addActionListener(this); m3.addActionListener(this);*/ m21.addActionListener(this); m22.addActionListener(this); m23.addActionListener(this); /*m31.addActionListener(this); m131.addActionListener(this); m132.addActionListener(this); m133.addActionListener(this); m134.addActionListener(this); m135.addActionListener(this);*/ m51.addActionListener(this); m91.addActionListener(this); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { /*if(e.getSource()==m11) { } if(e.getSource()==m12) { } if( (e.getSource()==m131) || (e.getSource() ==m132) || (e.getSource()==m133) || (e.getSource()==m134) || (e.getSource()==m135) ) { }*/ if(e.getSource()==m21) { NewConnection nc=new NewConnection (); nc.setVisible(true); this.dispose(); } if(e.getSource()==m22) { RefillBooking rb=new RefillBooking (); rb.setVisible(true); this.dispose(); } if(e.getSource()==m23) { ShopDelivery sd=new ShopDelivery(); sd.setVisible(true); this.dispose(); } if(e.getSource()==m51) { MarkDelivery mrk=new MarkDelivery(); mrk.setVisible (true); this.dispose(); } if(e.getSource()==m91) { this.dispose(); System.exit(0); } } }