Where now stands that small knot of villages known as the
Endians, a mighty forest once stood. Indeed, legand has it
that you could have stoodon the edge of the wood and seen
it stretch out for miles, were it not for the trees getting
in the way.
In one section of the forest, the trees stood in a row and
were of hight from 1 to n, each hight occurring once and
once only.
A tree was only visible if there were no higher trees
before it in the row.
For example, if the heights were 324165, the only visible
trees would have been those of height 3,4 & 6.

Write a Program that takes an array of integers
representing the heights of the trees in the row as input
and prints the list of the visible trees.

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Where now stands that small knot of villages known as the Endians, a mighty forest once stood. Ind..

Answer / manoj pathak


void main()
int n,i,tree[50],show_t;
cout<<"Enter the value of N: ";
cout<<"Tree which will be visible : ";
if(show_t < tree[i])
cout<<", "<<tree[i];

Is This Answer Correct ?    22 Yes 8 No

Where now stands that small knot of villages known as the Endians, a mighty forest once stood. Ind..

Answer / harshal


Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 7 No

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