C Sharp Interview Questions
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What is the Main difference between String and StringBuilder and why do we use StringBuilder.

Aditya, CTS, Siemens,

15 61554

how can i return string by vilating duplicates(inpyt like asdfsda but output should be 2a2d2sf and 2a,2d,2s,f)


2 4967

why do we use Overloading, Overriding, Boxing, Unboxing, and what is the use of these ?


3 15189

what is an internal specifier? what happens internally when I use access specifier Internal ?


4 7649

Explain About the Sattilite Assembly in .Net Technology?


2 4923

how to create crystal reports give one detail example(i want to view age category report) please give suitable example in my small knowledge


what is the use of master pages. how to use it

2 4045

what is master pages how to use it. plase give one example in code vice

1 2490

how to use caching in our program. why we use it give one example in code

1 2986

what is webapplication? what is windows application? what is the extension for both . in what purpose we r using webapplication. in which situation we r using windowns application

1 3581

please exaplain gridview and what are the process available for it. how to add the row number automatically? is it possible to add child controls ?

2 3140

what is bubbled event ? give suitable example in code vice with demo

2 9378

give suitable code for all login controls

1 3801

What is the use of giving more than one CATCH BLOCK in one TRY block? Directly we can give that catch(Exception e)?Why we go for arrayoutofbound Exception,divided by zero etc..? Explain

2 6021

what is CLONE() method?

1 3994

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Un-Answered Questions { C Sharp }

Is c# static or dynamic?


What is the use of delegate?


Why should you override the tostring() method?


How many bytes is a char c#?


Can you have more than one namespace in c#?


What is serialization in unity?


Are enums static c#?


What is written in c#?


What are Indexers in C#?


These questions were asked me in a technical interview: •If we deploy an application on multiple server (like database server, web server) then, each request should be redirected to proper server, then how you will handle it in your code? •How security pinholes will be handled in an application? •What things should be considered while writing a web application? •How will you do load/performance testing of web application? Which framework you will use for it? •How will you implement a cache for results which require a DB access? Please let me know how to write an web application considering all these points. I am not so much aware of architechural design of web application. Your guidelines will be helpful.


What are c# collections?


Why do we Need of static class in c#?


What are some examples of desktop applications?


Are multiple data types stored in System.Array?


Can a dictionary have the same key?