Oracle Forms Reports Interview Questions
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How i get the client m/c IP address.

2 4427

How i get the client machine Ip address through developer 2000 forms, if you are running three tier architech.

1 6257

what is Oracle10g? Please refer some sites...

1 3799

i have a repeating frame that prints on every page for a product code. But when on page ends the info associated with that product code is truncated and not overflowed to the next page.On the next page data with the new product code is displayed. I want the data for one product code to be continued on the next page if it does not fit on a single page. The values are as: repeating frame vertical = variable horizontal = variable page protect = 0 print object on = first page base printing on = enclosing object for the outermost frame which encloses the repeating frame: print object on = last page base printing on = anchoring object end of layout section = yes rest all the values are same as the repeating frame


I have a frame that contains headings. This frame is enclosed in side a repeating frame. However the headings are not displayed on all pages it is displayed only on the last page. Please let me know why is this happening. print object on = All pages base printing on = enclosing object

1 2414

In workflow how can we send a notification to the Supplier giving the Corresponding report Details.


how to send sms to mobile phone from oracle forms.

HP, Tech Mahindra,

1 5566

how to send file attachment from oracle forms



While connecting to Oracle Db i am getting the following error message- ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified what are the steps to solve this problem?


4 5939

how to pass 2 parameters from one form to other in oracle applications?

1 7039

how to pass 2 variables from one form to other form

1 3316

what is the diffrence between before parameter form triger & formate trigger

2 3504

how to pass 2 variables from one form to other form


2 7027

i want print character reports in 10g application reports pl help me my id is

3 7135

How do u print the data horizantally by using XML report? EX:Suppose there is one table names as SAMPLE in that we have only two columns say empno,ename.I want the output like this,At run time user may enter 3 colums(i.e to data print horizantally). empno ename empno ename empno ename 100 aaa 101 bbb 102 ccc 103 ddd 104 eee 105 fff

Intelligroup, TTPL,


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Un-Answered Questions { Oracle Forms Reports }

What is the difference between BPA AND Contract What are documents and test cases u followed


Why oracle forms required?


i want to print the employee details on department wise with group above report with the fields DEPTNO------group above ENAME ------ SAL-------- COMM------ I WANT OUTPUT LIKE THIS ---------------------------------------------------------- 1)FIRST DEPTNO=10 EMPLOYEES DISPLAYED IN FIRST PAGE AND DEPTNO=20 EMPLOYEES DISPLAYED IN 2ND PAGE WHAT I HAVE TO DO OUTPUT ------- --FIRST_PAGE ----------- DEPTNO:10 ENAME SAL COMM KING 5000 A 2000 2222 ---- =- -- SECONDPAGE DEPTNO:20 ENAME SAL COMM MILLER 220 22 D 45 23 -- - - LIKE THE ABOVE PROCDURE REPORTS HOW MANY DEPARTMENTS ARE EXISITING IN EMP TABLE


hiding item in report how like that properly,thats manually but at runtime i want to do


What is a user exit program in oracle reports?


How to create Drill down report?


If the valueset if of type –TABLE then how many tables can we attach in the valueset ?


Is it possible to execute a dynamic sql from forms?


i have a repeating frame that prints on every page for a product code. But when on page ends the info associated with that product code is truncated and not overflowed to the next page.On the next page data with the new product code is displayed. I want the data for one product code to be continued on the next page if it does not fit on a single page. The values are as: repeating frame vertical = variable horizontal = variable page protect = 0 print object on = first page base printing on = enclosing object for the outermost frame which encloses the repeating frame: print object on = last page base printing on = anchoring object end of layout section = yes rest all the values are same as the repeating frame


if i want to change the functionality of a item in report during runtime how like what do u write in when_button_pressed


what are the new features introduced in oracle form services in 11g release 2?


all steps of bitmap report?


What is a matrix report and how many minimum groups are required to prepare the same?


what is the difference between call_form, new_form and open_form?


What is an oracle report?