Post New DB Administration Questions
how can a session indicate its interest in receiving alerts?
Draft one mock email requesting your non-technical management grant you downtime to (provide justification where applicable) complete the following tasks: (1) Generate statistics on a large table; (2) Generate an RDA – if you don't know what an RDA is please say so. (3) Rename datafiles.
What are the different types of upgrades that can be performed in sql server? : sql server DBA
what is ora 24313?what is the procedure to exclude that error?
If you are given access to a sql server, how do you find if the sql instance is a named instance or a default instance? : sql server DBA
How would you go about verifying the network name that the local_listener is currently using?
Which autogrowth database setting is good? : sql server DBA
i have 10gp i need store in database..but database have only 7gb memory do u store the file ?
Does transparent data encryption provide encryption when transmitting data across network? : sql server DBA
What are the recovery models for a database? : sql server DBA
suppose you want to audit specific activities on sensitive data. How can you achieve that?
Where do you find the default index fill factor and how to change it? : sql server DBA
how to restore files with rman?
How would you best determine why your MVIEW couldn't FAST REFRESH?
how can you initialize log miner?