DB Administration Interview Questions
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How do you open a cluster administrator? : sql server DBA


Which autogrowth database setting is good? : sql server DBA


List out some of the requirements to setup a sql server failover cluster.? : sql server DBA


Where do you find the default index fill factor and how to change it? : sql server DBA


How many files can a database contain in sql server?how many types of data files exists in sql server? How many of those files can exist for a single database? : sql server DBA


What are the different types of indexes available in sql server? : sql server DBA


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Un-Answered Questions { DB Administration }

What is the cache hit ratio, what impact does it have on performance of an Oracle database and what is involved in tuning it?


What are the commands used in dcl? : sql server DBA


What is the default port no on which sql server listens? : sql server DBA


How would you go about verifying the network name that the local_listener is currently using?


What view(s) do you use to associate a user's SQLPLUS session with his o/s process?


What is the difference between the 2 operating modes of database mirroring? : sql server DBA


How do you troubleshoot errors in a sql server agent job? : sql server DBA


A table is classified as a parent table and you want to drop and re-create it. How would you do this without affecting the children tables?


who owns the operating system files created by the utl_file package?


I got an error SQL1042C. An unexpected system error occurred. Explanation: A system error occurred. One possible reason for this error is that the database manager is not installed correctly or the environment is not set up correctly. On OS/2, while trying to start the database manager, a very common reason for this error is a corrupted NET.ACC file. The command cannot be processed. The tables and views would not be opened. What is the way to open the dataase? pls help me


how can you initialize log miner?


In what script is "snap$" created? In what script is the "scott/tiger" schema created?


I have A,B,C servers.i want to 3 servers jobs move to D server(target server)..how? note: i said that take the backup of msdb and restore to the target server..he said while restoring jobs replaced. what is the solution


internal architecture


How does propagation differ between Advanced Replication and Snapshot Replication (read-only)?