PeopleSoft General Interview Questions
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With reference to the Component Interface Tester what is the purpose of GetExisting option?

1 978

What actions will occur, when a Component Interface (CI) is created on component that has Add action enabled?

1 843

which can be mapped as Find Keys for a Component Interface ?


What are various steps that describes the peoplecode logic while implementing a Component Interface?

1 837

Will Tuxedo continue to be used in a PeopleSoft/WebSphere or PeopleSoft/WebLogic environment?

1 853

IBM How should Web Application Servers be usedwith PeopleTools 8.1x and PeopleTools 8.4?

1 851

Why did PeopleSoft bundle IBM WebSphere Advanced Single Server Edition rather than Advanced Edition?

1 869

Is BEA WebLogic the same thing as the web server that was previously on the Tuxedo CD?

1 826

Are there advantages or disadvantages to using BEA WebLogic over IBM WebSphere or vice versa?

1 888

Does Application Messaging work between 8.1xand 8.4 applications?

1 821

WorkItem is available in?

1 908

Customization done in Dev DB, Which tool i will use to move it to Prod DB?

1 856

Which one of the following Data Types is NOT supported by the PeopleCode programming environment?

1 895

What hyperlinks available in PeopleBooks? Some options with different hyperlinks not available in peoplebooks, select the correct one?

1 856

The example below demonstrates the use of SQR flags in the configuration manager directories folder: -F C:PSHrmsSqrWhat do the above SQR flags signify to the SQR Report Writer upon execution?

1 875

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Un-Answered Questions { PeopleSoft General }

Explain the main differences between peoplesoft financail 8.4 and 8.8/8.9 version?


What is a rowset?


what is deferred processing?


Explain about control tables?


Tell me call section action it is possible to leave the program id with blank value in certain cases?


What is app messaging?


What happens if you don't declare a variable?


What is the use of scrollflush()


Please differentiate between translate, processing, control and transaction tables?


Difference between winmessage and msgget functions?


Tell me interlink data type can be declared as?


Explain difference between saveprechanges and savepostchanges with respect to save edit?


Suppose you just finished customization work that involved the creation of many new objects. You must now migrate these objects from your development database (source) to a testing database (target) to conduct more elaborate testing.referring to the above information, why would adding your objects to a project


What are the main differences between peoplesoft financail 8.4 and 8.8/8.9 version?


What is the difference between err msgget and war msgget?