I have a process chain is running the infopackage get error don't process the error of that info package and then you can run the dependent variants is it possible?
1277What steps do you take when you add a new company code to the already running delta datasource ? The datasource is already extracting specific company code delta data , so how will add new company code without disturbing delta
938Post New SAP BW (Business Warehouse) Questions
How would you do the optimizing the dimensions
What is generally included in the data target administrative task?
what is direct schedule and what is meta chain
What are the steps to create classes?
why ods activation fail? What types of fails are there? What are the steps to handle
In real world when do you recommend aggregate?
We have standard info cubes given in sap why you created zinfo cubes can u tell me the business scenario
What is the importance of 'start routine' in update rules?
what is the include program name?
Compare info cubes with operational data store?
Can you tell something about the multi-provider in the sap and how it is useful for the users?
Explain table partition?
What is the process chain and when you can use the same in the data warehouse?
What are the data sources supported?
Where to check the log for warning messages appearing in activation of transfer rules?