SQL Server Interview Questions
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In the below query i have performed the commit transaction statement but still the values after the save are not saved. Can you please let me know why are the statements after save are rolled back even after commiting the data. help me with the understanding declare @trans2 varchar(10)='transaction2' begin transaction @trans2 insert into emp values(100,'xy',600); save transaction @trans2 insert into emp values(200,'pq',700); insert into emp values(300,'pq',800); commit transaction @trans2 rollback tran @trans2


1 2767

Repair mdf file

2 2909

Help!!!!!!!!!!!! My database has gone offline, it is highlighted as 'Suspect'. Foolishly, i haven't got a recent back up. Is there a way of quickly restoring the database? Thank you


sql database suspect We have a sql database that is showing as suspect. How can we recover?


what is cursor?why we will go to cursor?advantages &disadvantages of cursors?

1 2293

How do you find value of first column before inserting value into the second column in the same table for checking that second column must have different value than first column.


2 4289

How do I repair damaged sql server mdf file database? In previous day my mdf file has got damage due to unknown reasons then I used dbcc chekcdb command but it failed, MDF file is important for me, I don’ know that how to get back mdf file data. Please anyone suggest me?


Restore database SQL2000, SQL2012 Backup of base is created in Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.2066, I can't restore on Microsoft SQL Server 2012 - 11.0.2100.60

IT Decisions,

3 3232

two tables are there.1st table EMP has two columns ID and name and contains data 1,A 2,B 3,C 2nd table EmpSal has 2 columns ID and Salary Contains data -1,1000 2,5000 3,3000 Find name of employee having maximum salary ?


5 4675

I have a table emp , Fields with empname,dnname,dno,salary. now I want copy distinct salary with all emp detail from emp into new table which is not already exist in database. how would I do this ?

Techno Labs,

2 3199

how to copy only distinct data into another table which is not already exist in database?


2 3532

difference between function and procedure

Cognizant, HCL, TCS, Theorem,

3 4321

2) Consider a Table name A which has below records ID --- 5 5 5 5 5 Consider another table B which has below records ID -- 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 How many rows will be returned by each of the below queries a) select * from A inner join B on A.id = b.ID b) select * from A left join B on A.id = b.ID c) select * from A right join B on A.id = b.ID

Synechron, TCS,

2 4099

How to read 2nd highest sal from EMP table?


5 4752

how to overcome kernel isssues



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What do you mean by table and field in sql?


What is the difference between truncate and delete commands?


How does Report Builder support Analysis Services cubes?


How to change the ownership of a schema in ms sql server?


where can you add custom error messages to sql server? : Sql server administration


What is normalization? Explain its different types?


How to set the current database in ms sql server?


What are security principals used in sql server 2005?


What is the difference between coalesce() & isnull()?


Can you tell me some of the common replication dmv's and their use? : sql server replication


why would you call update statistics? : Sql server database administration


Which tcp/ip port does sql server run on? How can it be changed?