SQL Server Interview Questions
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how to give input dynamically to a insert statement in sqlserver


3 7245

1. What are the grouping function in SQL ? 2. If base table of a view deleted means, what will happen while we querying on view ? will give any error ? 3. Difference between DROP, DELETE, TRUNCATE table ? 4. What is constraints and types ? 5. What is max size of nchar & nvarchar ? 6. Define ROLLBACK, COMMIT, SAVE POINT 7. How non-clustered better ? or rank the Clustered, Non-Clustered and Table scan in performance wise 8. Select 10 rows from a table ? 9. Define DML, DDL, DCL, DTL commands ? 10. What is mean by NULL value ? NULL means "" or 0 or undefined ? 11. Default constraints ? 12. Can we have more then primary Key in table ? 13. Type of integrity ? Entity, Referential, Domain ?

Perot Systems,

10 15402

What is the differecne between equi-join and inner-join and natural join..Is there any difference or all are same?


8 50750

How can your resolve deadlocks?

IBM, IMS, Iron Mountain, NuWare,

4 13579



1 4880

i want to join two queries....and i want to run them as one after another that is want output of first query then second , then again output of first query then second and so on...

2 4673

1.What is the deferece between DBMS & RDBMS? 2.How can you trouble shoot? If u will get error while installing sql server? 3.How can u trouble shoot slow running query? 4.how can u trouble log shipping errors? 5.why do we use merge replication instead of T.log replication?


7 10524

write query for fourth maximum salary from employee table

Mind Tree, SP Software,

14 20472

What is the difference between temp table and table variable?


8 24606

what are three different authentications to connect linked servers?


1 4582

What is deadlock and how to avoid the deadlocks.

TCS, Wipro,

3 9589

I have a huge amount of data which is displayed in a report. The data is viewed every day. Every day the data is displayed in 30 secs but suddenly today it is giving an timeout message today. Data has not been changed. The situation is same as yesterday. What might be the reason??? Please Answer.


4 6014

1.Describe way(s) to tune the SQL table in order to optimize performance. 2. Explain SQL Injection and how can you prevent them?

Techno Solutions,

1 3918

I have a website that allows customers to browse and place orders for certain products. I have 2 tables; Customers and Orders. The Customers table holds the customer records and the Orders table holds the orders placed by the customer. Both tables are tied based on the field Cust_ID. Example of the data is shown below: Cust_ID Cust_Name Cust_ID Product Amount Order_Date 1001 John Tan 1001 P-5211 $120.00 2/13/2006 1002 Michael Wong 1001 K-1428 $88.90 1/11/2006 1003 Mary Cheong 1003 C-0923 $82.50 1/27/2006 1004 Ahmad Suffian 1003 K-1428 $88.90 2/2/2006 Write a single SQL statement that extracts all purchase records with the following criteria: 1. Customer names starting with “M” only. 2. Orders placed within the current month only. 3. Amount does not exceed $100.00 The list must be sorted by order date with the latest order showing on top.

Techno Solutions,

3 4917

Let’s say the table in the database is named as TBL_Register. The fields in this table include: 1. User_Name, 2. User_Telephone, 3. Register_Date The field Register_Date stores the current date and time of the registration. Write the SQL statement that inserts the data into the table.

Techno Solutions,

2 4094

Un-Answered Questions { SQL Server }

How to drop an existing schema in ms sql server?


whats new about truncate in sql server 2008?


How can delete duplicate records in cte in sql server?


What is the New in SQL server 2008?


On a windows server 2003 active – passive failover cluster, how do you find the node which is active?


Give main differences between "Truncate" and "Delete".


What are the five characteristics of good data?


What is meant by dirty read?


what's the information that can be stored inside a bit column? : Sql server database administration


How to create database with physical files specified in ms sql server?


How should i optimize the time for execution of stored procedure having single input and many output from the different tables?


What are the database objects? : SQL Server Architecture


What is catalog views?


What is conditional split?


What is table value parameters (tvp)?