Oracle Interview Questions
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acname actype amount ac1 credit 300 ac2 credit 4000 ac1 debit 4000 ac2 debit 455 ac1 credit 500 how to get sum of credit and sum of debit for each account


2 4449

Can we use bulk collect in oracle forms if yes then how?

1 11985

Create table Employee ( Employee_Id varchar2(8) Constraint emp_id_pk primary key, FirstName varchar2(50), LastName varchar2(50), DeptID Number(5) Constraint dept_id_fk Foreign Key(DeptId) References Department(DeptId) ) Error I am getting: Constraint specification are not allowed here

2 5339

how to store only time in a data base table

2 4110

how to get the no employee in each department including the dept which has 0 employee

5 5445

What is the Difference between 1) ER MODEL and Relational Model 2) Dense Index and Sparse Index

1 6405

REGULAR CLASSES for Informatica 8.6 is starting from Monday, 07th Nov, 8:00 AM IST .

1 3357

WHAT IS ecc 6.0


How to move the data from one flatfile to multiple staging tables?give me some examples? for example in po interface one flat file is there and multiple staging tables are there how can move it?please give me answer for this question?

Cap Gemini,


How to update the simple views?give me example?if the table having 100 records and created a view on this table. if i can update the table then how to update the views

Cap Gemini, Syntel,

2 5697

how can we add a field to the oracle standard forms through Form Persanlization or custom.pll



how can we send a concurrent program output to the clients through mail or fax give me example.

Cap Gemini,

1 5027

does Oracle has only one table space?


1 3435

how to unbreak sequence numbers during intereptions

Ion Exchange,

1 2802

ur a sql devoloper...what is the process in ur company for finding the database BUGS .. seperate DB testers are there? or devr.s are manage? if DB TESTERS in there what is the process


Un-Answered Questions { Oracle }

what is reindexing?


Difference between hot backup vs. Cold backup?


What is a subquery in oracle?


What is pragma autonomous transaction in oracle?


Which is better Oracle or MS SQL? Why?


What is concurrency in oracle?


What flow of MSExcel in odi?


how do u place it in required folder


What are the most common interview questions on ETL Testing for experience?


How do I use os authentication with weblogic jdriver for oracle and connection pools?


what happened to the global index when I truncate the data in one of the partition?


Differentiate between pre-select and pre-query?


Can group functions be used in the order by clause in oracle?


What is an explain plan and how does it help in optimizing the sql query?


What is the difference between conversions and interfaces? : oracle accounts receivable