Programming Languages Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

write a programe to find the factorial of given number using recursion

3 6435

what is the main difference between sizeof() operator in c and c++

3 5864

write a programme to enter some number and find which number is maximum and which number is minimum from enterd numbers.

3 3872

FIND THE OUTPUT IF THE INPUT IS 5 5.75 void main() { int i=1; float f=2.25; scanf("%d%f",&i,&f); printf("%d %f",,i,f); } ANSWER IS 5 AND 2.25 WHY?


4 5376

void main() { char c; while(c=getchar()!='\n') printf("%d",c); } o/p=11 why?


8 10828

if we take a number as a char then can we manipulate(add, subtract) on this number

2 3270

In which category does main function belong??

5 5402

4) Write a program that takes a 5 digit number and calculates 2 power that number and prints it.

5 6557

what is an inline fuction??

2 3503

find the value of y y = 1.5x+3 for x<=2 y = 2x+5 for x>2



what are the 10 different models of writing an addition program in C language?


biggest of two no's with out using if condition statement

5 5532

what is default constructor?


2 3440

4) Write a program that takes a 5 digit number and calculates 2 power that number and prints it. i have done maximum par but i m findind problem in the commented area. please help...

3 4313

how to find anagram without using string functions using only loops in c programming

Mind Tree, TCS,

1 9360

Un-Answered Questions { Programming Languages }

what is a Listeners ?


How is a .pyc file different from a .py file?


How can you enable csrf?


What is a node in drupal?


How do you execute a php script from the command line?


How to write a code for implementing my own printf() and scanf().... Please hep me in this... I need a guidance... Can you give an coding for c... Please also explain about the header files used other than #include...


What is Range in Kotlin?


Which is not a valid keyword a) public b) protected c) guarded


How to write html code in laravel controller?


What is a page template?


Why should I learn python in 2019?


What is the difference between implode() and explode() in php?


What is byval and byref? What are differences between them?


What is #include iostream h in c++?


Tell me what are the feature of laravel 5.0?