VB Script Interview Questions
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Develop a parameterized action that accomplishes the following a. Launch a browser of users choice ( example : IE, chrome etc) b. Open up a search engine (Google, Bing etc) c. Perform a search d. Click a particular link depending on the user’s choice ( 1st , 2nd or third link)

TCS, Wipro,


write script to open Gmail.com, and to write script for entering username and password and show whether the result as pass or fail

Thomson Reuters,

2 14881

Sub link() Dim k As Integer Dim rand As Integer Dim URL As String Dim foldernum As Integer Dim folderstring As String Dim filenum As Integer Dim filestring As String k = 1 'for AC Numbers For i = 11 To 40 foldernum = 0 foldernum = 1000 + i folderstring = CStr(foldernum) folderstring = Mid(folderstring, 2, 3) folder = "ac" & folderstring 'folderstring = Sheets(2).Cells(i, 1) ' for Number of Random files For j = 1 To 10 rand = Int(Rnd * (200 - 1) + 1) filenum = 0 filenum = 1000 + rand filestring = CStr(filenum) filestring = Mid(filestring, 2, 3) 'URL = "http://ceobihar.nic.in/PSCDROM/ac" & folderstring & "/i" & folderstring & "0" & filestring & ".pdf" URL = "http://www.elections.tn.gov.in/pdfs/dt1/" & folder & "/" & folder & filestring & ".pdf" ' URL =http://www.wb.nic.in/wbeco/EROLLS/PDF/English/A001/a0010105 .pdf Cells(k, 1) = folderstring Cells(k, 2) = folder Cells(k, 3) = filestring Cells(k, 3) = URL k = k + 1 Next j Next i End Sub plz define it


how to answer "TELL ME ABOUT UR SELF" as exp.person. whr to start and whr to stop. can anyone tel me


What is the difference between VBScript and JavaScript?


am giving to one number u can set into that in date format.u can use any methods


1 3334

What is the use of "Option Explicit"?

2 4032

Is VBscript case-sensitive?

3 17714

What is the difference between Javascript & Vbscript?

2 6282

A folder is there inside no of textfiles are avilable. How do count the textfiles. Normally folder means we are using subfolder methods but textfiles is not working for subfolder methods and how do get file name also.


Write a VB Script to count blank Lines in a notepad


2 6042

How to Import data from a file (file is on the desktop) to the data table


1 2630

How to Import data from a file (file is on the desktop) to the data table



How to Import data from a file (file is on the desktop) to the data table



How to Import data from a file (file is on the desktop) to the data table


2 4669

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Un-Answered Questions { VB Script }

I am working on QTP, got struck in one place.. In my application depending upon configuration WebEdit count is increasing/ decreasing.. how to get these webedits..


How to open browser in vb script?


Why is error handling required?


how to increase the values in text box in a given text box increament by two values by clicking on button


Compare java script and vb script?


how to write a vb script in QTP for yahoo registration form, i want to check the performance also like performance test, stress, load test like that.


Mention what is vbscript?


Why is the use of exit do or exit for statements within loops discouraged?


How will you get a random number between 0 and 1 in vbscript?


how to write validation function for date in vb script


What is the use of the recordset object and which statement is used to create such an object?


Mention what is select case statement?


What purpose does ‘on error resume next’ serves?


PLz send me the VB scripts which is having more examples my email id : hareen_11@yahoo.com


What is select case statement?