VB Script Interview Questions
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If a calulator having 3 buttons (of any number)in 3 of them one is not working properly due to which answer is wrong always. write a script to find out which button is not working properly ?


How to write Descriptive programming in .VBS file i wrote this code but it is giving error.. Dim qtApp set qtApp=createobject("QuickTest.Application") qtApp.Launch qtApp.Visible=True Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") objIE.visible = True objIE.Navigate "www.gmail.com" browser("title:=gmail").title("title:=gmail")

2 6584

How to use QTP Object in .vbs(vbscript file) file Ex: Browser().., wait(), exist() and etc...


what types of bugs will we find out in banking projects for automation testing?

Napier Healthcare, TCS,


Whenever I use Wscript.Echo Qtp raising Run time error as 'Object required for Wscript' How I can create object for Wscript

1 7663

I want to import the sheet from the Excel to the Datatable using VB Script. I used the Syntax as 'Datatable.ImportSheet "Filename","SourceSheet","Destinat ionSheet" Ex: Datatable.ImportSheet "D:\Data1.xls","Sheet1","Global" Qtp producing run time error,How I can solve the problem

1 2726

Write program for identifyig duplicates in flight Departing from and Arriving in mercury tours(web application).


How to generate 3 digit random number?

IBM, Virtusa,

3 5634

Can any 1 modify the code whr in want to add\rename a excel sheet in qtp?

1 3385

a;;b;c;;;d in this string output is abcd will come how can we do that in vbscript in QTP testing?

2 4385

wat is the com(common object model)object for mozilla firefox???????plz if any one know the exact answer....reply me......


wat is com(common object model)object for mozilla firefox??? if any knows the exact answer....plz rply me

2 3836

How to write VB Script for selecting a particular row in a WebTable?


1 2878

Hi all..I have two values. a=20 ,b=30 I want to perform c= a+b and c= a*b using user define function.please anyone give the answer

1 1984

How to find arry size in qtp vb script

Cap Gemini,

2 10767

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Un-Answered Questions { VB Script }

Why is it recommended to close the database connection every time after the work is completed?


if u ve resrevation for train and u get a number supose 1234xxxokie.after sucessul entering all required fields. now u put that number in search and want to chk wether these ar same or not if both ar same then its okie otherwise test fail.what would be the vb script code for it to compare these two values of different page.


How to replace junk code recorded by QTP with a mall function.


what is the difference between modular and data and keyword driven framework


Explain the filter expression?


what is used of Property........End Property loop ? how to write the script for it?


Why is the use of exit do or exit for statements within loops discouraged?


Hi Friends, I have an issue like the describe below: I'm using QTP and I'm testing on SharePoint. As you knoe, SharePoint has a customize function for user, so that, If I add an object Web Table at the first time, that object was recognized by "index" and "html tag", after that, if someone change the display of web part, the "Index" of my object was changed as well and QTP unable to select that Web Table. Can you guide me how to identify or anyway to keep that Web Table object as unique object? Thanks a lot.


HOw we can apply web service checkpoint in QTP 9.5? I tried it out with net connection also. But not getting success.


How will you get the natural logarithm of the given number in vbscript?


When to use function procedures and what are its characteristics?


Mention what is the technology used by vb script?


What are the uses of vb script?


How are values assigned to the variables in the vbscript language?


Explain the functionality of vbscript?