for example You have One Table with 4 Columns (Mgr ID, Department ID, Salary, Employee ID). Can you find out the Average Salary and Number of Employee present per Department and Mgr
863what is stage is used for below Input columns: dept|mgr|employee|salary Output columns: mgr|count of employee per mgr|avg salary per dept note: each dept has one mgr and each mgr has many employees
731I/p : F1 table have A,B,C,D,E and F2 table having C,E,V i need output 0utput1: ABD output2: V any one suggest me this
6151. How many People are part of your Team? 2. Explain how you create jobs or flow of project? 3. Join Stage vs Lookup vs Merge Stage 4. Summation scenario based question - How you find sum of salary for a specific employee (Explain stages and flow of job)? 5. Explain Remove duplicates stage ? Can you do sort in this stage? 6. SQL Questions - Joins - Types, Difference between Join and Union 7. Unix Questions - How you run the Job, How you list all jobs in project 8. Explain Environmental Variables? 9. SQL Scenario - If you have 3 Identical record in a Table, Ex: 1, Ram, Xyz; 1, Ram, Xyz; 1, Ram, Xyz; Delete only 2 of the records and keep only 1 using the Delete query. How you will you do this?
1 907file having these input and we have to get 3 output using same job Input 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 4 o/p1 o/p2 o/p3 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 1 4 4 4
603how to achieve this output ? Two Input columns(ID & Name) - ID | Name 1 | Jack 1 | Kara In output there should be only 1 column which will be populated as - 1,Jack 1,Kara
What are transforms and what is the differenece between routines and transforms?
Explain usage analysis in datastage?
Can you explain players in datastage?
Differentiate between Symmetric Multiprocessing and Massive Parallel Processing?
Difference between server jobs & parallel jobs?
How do you register plug-ins?
Which commands are used to import and export the datastage jobs?
How to implement complex jobs in data stage?
Is possible to create skid in dim,fact tables?
Explain the importance of surrogate key in data warehousing?
What is size of a transaction and an array means in a datastage?
disign the complex job in u r project?(they are aksing only complex job design and then data flow...)
What is the differentiate between data file and descriptor file?
How to reverse the string using SQL?
how to export or import the jobs in .ISX file