Business Objects Interview Questions
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Can we do the slice and dice in webintellegence?


5 24679

Can any body Explain me what are the critical problems you have faced in the designer and repoting level in the real time environment?

2 5752

What is the report extension in webi and deski

2 19864

1. what is the purpose of creation of universe than other data sources ? 2. which is the best method in performance tuning techniques ?

3 5797

I have very Latest Business Objects-XI Certification Dumps for all the Codes, If anyone need, mail at: AJITH.BOXI@GMAIL.COM


39 33026

Which one will be more preferable creating Derived table or Views on universe level.and Explain why also ?

1 4094

What is the difference between Boxir2 and Boxir3?

1 8367

wha is the difference b/w merge dimension and combining two different data providers?

1 4708

Hi,can anybody help me to do like this, i have one dp with agerange, first name ,Address. And another dp is agerange,age min , last name. in this two data providers agerange is common . I want to see in my report all the fields . How i can merge it ?

1 2138

what is the difference between bo and cognos?

1 3891

Can i merge two dataproviders if they do not have common column?

3 7157

1. can we create report using multiple universes and how ? 2. how can we move the objects from universe A to universe B in report ? 3. how can we create aggregate table at universe level ? 4. if there is only one fact table in that universe, what happens if we get fan trap ?


1 7749

webI report not showing Barcode in PDF format, i have used BC39 font,but barcode is shown in HTML but not in PDF, please any solutions??


what is the core universe and what is the active universe?

1 4531

What is the prm file ? can anybody explain me ?

2 6045

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Un-Answered Questions { Business Objects }

When to use local filter and when to use global filter?


How can we do load testing for webi reports? (Example if I have have to test one webi report for concurrent users refreshing report at one time)?


What would you consider as your biggest achievement and why?


in sap bi we have wad, then why we go for sap bo


Explain what sort of existing documents should business analysts refer to when starting on a new project?


How to create a new calendar in CMC? Can u please tell me the process to create the required calendar. Ex:- Year of that calendar to start with Jan-15 and ends with Jan -30 and the Next month to start with Feb-31 and ends with Feb-14.


Then how to select the source by using webi or deski reports into crystal reports? i think main source is Businessview. where u import the datasource ?


What is report template in b.o?


Explain is there any tool that can compare two unvs / two rpts , built using bo 5.1 / bo 6.5?


Explain is it the job of a business analyst or systems analyst to draw the class diagram?


How were the reports scheduled and how to resolve unexecuted documents?


Its regarding Javascript coding for customization in BI4 reports. We need to have all the options disabled in the report except the option to Export(save the report in computer in Excel/pdf formats). I am able to hide TopBar,TabBar,Left Navigation etc but I need "Export" option to be displayed to the users in Read mode. Can this selective "hiding" be achieved?


How to open a universe with out using the Designer ??


Regarding Hyperlinking in Business Objects. We have a few reports in QA environment where a number of hyperlinks are employed using OpenDoc function.In some of the reports,hyperlink is used to move to another tab within the same report.The formula used include "DocID" and ReportName="tab name".This works fine but now,for the PROD move,this will not work as the Doc Ids are subject to change. Is there a way to overcome this?Without DocID,how will move to a particular tab? Thanks in advance


What is a fantrap in business objects?