PHP Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What will replacement of localhost username and password on submission a site

2 5610

does current version of mysql (myisam) supports foreign keys ?

2 5598

what is magic code ?

eVenturers, iFlash, Zynga,

4 10895

Which of the following represents the proper way to set a session variable? Answer: a. $_SESSION['foo'] = 'bar'; b. session_start(); c. session_set_save_handler ('myopen', 'myclose', 'myread', 'mywrite', 'mydelete', 'mygarbage'); d. $foo = $_SESSION['foo']; 2.When administering MySQL, you should make the data directory accessible via the operating system 3.which statement can be used to determine how the optimizer resolves a query

Cybercom, TCS,

9 16340

WHat is the diff. between PHP4 and PHP5?

Clarion Technologies, IBM, OmniNet, Sparkton Infotech,

6 34213

what is interface in php? how it is use?

Infosys, PHP, Times, Torque Infotech, Wipro,

10 44928

what is abstrac class? why it is use?

5 9194

how to run PHP in command line?

InfoShore, Ramp Green, Xtreeme,

8 21984

What is RSS?How to use it in Program?

3 7204

how to do connectivity of 2 dbs in PHP script?


3 9462

what is the current salary package in India for a PHP & MySQL programmer who has 3 years experience

ABC, BLG Logistics, Google, HCL, IBM, Infosys, People Group, PHP, Torque Infotech, V Angelz Technologies, Yahoo,

127 204503

How to connect SMTP server in php. I want to edit that in mantiss bug tracking tool. If anyone worked on mantiss software or in php, please give answer . I need to modify that in mantiss software.


1 5407

what are the various PHP Script Optimization techniques?

IBM, Krify Software Technologies, TCL,

1 9776

what are the current or latest versions of LAMP ? Linux, Apache, MySql, PHP

4 11056

What is the meaning of curl , which is used while connecting with pay pal? and how it works?

2 14479

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Un-Answered Questions { PHP }

Write a php script to get the largest key in an array?


Is php the same as html?


What is a string in php?


How to Retrieve the Session ID of the Current Session?


What is an anti csrf token?


How to add comments in php?


What is if isset ($_ post submit )) in php?


Where php basically used?


What is difference between session_unset and session_destroy?


What is a php 5?


What is the correct syntax of mail() function in php?


How many ways to include variables in double-quoted strings in php?


Suppose we receive a form submitted by a post to subscribe to a newsletter. This form has only one field, an input text field named email. How would we validate whether the field is empty? Print a message "the email cannot be empty" in this case?


What is a composer in PHP?


What is php in simple words?