PHP Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is the exact Diff. between include_once() and require_once() in PHP?

12 26780

Explain Parsing and Execution in PHP? Where PHP Engine Return errors?


3 8189

what is the diference between php4 and php5

Tavant Technologies,

2 7106

In How many ways can u represent Not equal?Give Syntax of all ways..

3 6996

=== represents what?

Ephron Systems, NetTrackers,

2 5063

!== represents what?

2 5373

To find out the current year is leap year or not which date() function we've to use.Give the syntax also

5 9591

How many Types of COmments are there in PHP and what are they?

4 12512

How to Define a Constant in PHP? Is $ symbol necessary?


6 15612

what will do ceil() and floor() in PHP?

5 11782

How many ways are there for passing variables between pages in PHP and what are they ?

10 11560

Suppose a variable may passed to other page using any of get,post,session,cookie methods and u want to retrive that variable value . what is the syntax?

6 7042

suppose if u want to pass session value using cookies onlu.. what changes i've to made in php.ini file?

1 4519

what is the importence of session.save_path in Php.ini file and wht changes u've to made before using sesssions in ur php program first time?

4 6132

What is the Diff. Between echo() and Print() in PHP?

CoreNet, Priya, QueenZend, Sky InfoTech, Syntel,

29 42659

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Un-Answered Questions { PHP }

What is the difference between null and empty?


Difference between mysql_connect and mysql_pconnect?


Is php is dying?


Is php a case sensitive language?


What is difference between mysqli and mysql?


What is the main difference between require() and require_once()?


What does $_files means?


Suppose the variable $var1 is set to 10 and the $var2 is set to the character var1, what's the value of $$var2?


What does the scope of variables mean?


Do I need to install php after xampp?


What is the use of $_server["php_self"] variable?


What is php and its features?


What's the best method for sanitizing user input with php?


What are the three classes of errors that can occur in php?


What does echo mean in php?